Imam Khomeini stressed need for refining souls

Imam Khomeini stresses that it is necessary for you to refine yourselves, so that when you become the chief of a community or a clan, you will be able to refine them, as well.

ID: 74361 | Date: 2023/10/23
Imam explains the matter through his theological works as following:

In order to be able to take steps toward the reform and development of a community, your aim should be service to Islam and the Muslims. If you take steps for the sake of God, God the Almighty is the turner of the hearts.

He will turn hearts in favor of you:

“Surely for those who believe and do good deeds, the Merciful (ar-Rahman) will bring about love” (Q 19:96). 

Take some trouble on the way to God, devote yourselves; God will not leave you unpaid, if not in this world, then in the next He will reward you. If, aside from Him, you have no reward in this world, what could be better? This world is nothing. This pomp and these personalities will come to an end after a few days, like a dream passes before the eyes of man, but the other worldly reward is infinite and never ending.