The role of abiding by law and order and its role in promoting national security from the perspective of Imam Khomeini

University: Islamic Azad University, central Tehran unit, Faculty of political science
Author or writer: Hamid Reza Davodi
Year: 2009

ID: 74851 | Date: 2022/08/30

Imam Khomeini has put special emphasis on abiding by law in order to promote security and maintain order in the society.

After exploring Imam’s thought and works, it can be concluded that commitment to the law has been among the most important aspects of Imam Khomeini’s political thought.

According to Imam’s views and opinion, the law should have the final say in all matters and the standard procedures of the law would be followed. And happiness of individuals and the prosperity of the society cannot be ensured except by the fulfillment of the law.