God will help you in performing all worldly and religious duties, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini advised believers to decorate themselves with divine virtues. In this way, I hope, that Satan will be driven away, and the Divine forces will prevail.

ID: 75250 | Date: 2022/10/12
Imam sheds light on the subject as following: 

I assure you that this practice of self-criticism and self-examination would not hinder your day-to-day activity.

I advise you to remain in the same state of mind till night-the time for introspection and inner deliberation-and evaluate your deeds of the whole day.

This is the time to see whether you have been honest to the Giver of all, to whom everybody is accountable. If you have been faithful to Him, you should be thankful to Him, that He has made you successful in your intentions.

And realize that you have gone a step forward in His direction and became an object of His attention.

God willing, God will help you in performing all worldly and religious duties, and will diminish your pains for the next day. If you repeat this many times, it is imminent that you will be accustomed to the acts of piety. You will see then that all this does not require you to make hard efforts.