We hope to succeed in the light of our reliance on Allah and our unity

ID: 75817 | Date: 2022/12/22
My dear brothers, children and sisters: always try to keep your unity. Avoid quarrelling for insignificant affairs which are based on worldly considerations and which in turn are rooted in satanic deceptions. Today, Islam and the Holy Qur’an are in your hands. You must propagate their teachings and instructions and raise Islam’s banner at every corner of the world. This will take place only if you could keep up your unity. If, God forbid, you were not serious in this affair, our success would be delayed. You are aware of the conspiracies and plots against us everywhere. The corrupt roots remaining from the old regime are coming together. You, dear university students, should come together to cooperate with one another. There are some filthy hands which are attempting to bring forth division among the layers of our society. They would take advantage of these divisions. Try to keep your unity. Do not forget to rely on God for His assistance. You should depend on the Holy Qur’an, as well, to improve in life. I hope in the near future you will reach success and I am positive that Islam, the government of justice, which has been concealed from the people at its schemes which have not been carried out so far, will materialize with the assistance of our staunch youth, brothers and sisters like you.

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, V 11, P 271