The role of women in society based on Imam Khomeini's opinion.

ID: 77760 | Date: 2023/07/01

According to Imam Khomeini, Women are great trainer of society. Men are brought up by women. Happiness and misery of a country depends on women. Imam Khomeini believed that: ‘during the previous regime of Shah, women were suffering from much more agonies than they did in pre-Islam period. In both periods women were suffering and it was Islam that saved them. Imam Khomeini also emphasizes that: ‘woman should possess equal rights with those of man. Islam has stressed the equality of men’s and women’s rights in determining their fates. This means that they both should enjoy all kinds of freedom. They should be free in selecting, being selected, thinking, educating as well as working in every kind of economic activity. “Islam desires woman to get the highest levels of mental political and scientific growth….we, on the basis of the supreme trainings of Islam, believe that in each human society, women are obliged to do their bests for the social and political growth and they should accept responsibilities and prepare the required opportunities. As it can be found out, Imam Khomeini considers women’s social participation quite legal if it is in line with Islamic rules and standards. During the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women revealed that the Iranian Muslim women do participate in all social and political arenas and their religious beliefs do not forbid them to collaborate in social activities. They proved that while observing their honesty and chastity, they can change the history.