According to Imam, the issue of Quds is not a private or personal issue

ID: 78640 | Date: 2023/10/22
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, understood the depth of the Palestinian issue called for the movement in defense of Palestine and the world's oppressed people. He initiated a movement to free the occupied Quds even before the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Imam Khomeini for decades had called for a unity against the Zionist regime.
According to Imam, the issue of Quds is not a private or personal issue. It is neither the exclusive problem of one country nor a present day problem of all Muslims. Rather, it is a phenomenon concerning the monotheists and faithful people of all ages past, present and future. "
we see the reflection of Imam Khomeini’s school of thought in more than one arena, especially in terms of Iran’s allies who have made use of his ideas in resisting imperialism and colonialism, supporting the oppressed and standing firm against oppression, as well as in understanding and realizing economic independence and self reliance.
The Lebanese and the Palestinian resistance learned a lot from this revolution and benefited from Ayatollah Khomeini’s thought. They hold their arms in the face of the enemy and the oppressor, and they work for the well being of the people and to support the weak wherever they are.”
True faithful are in fact proud of our restless attempts to help Palestinians get their occupied lands back. This is totally in line with the principles of Islamic revolution.