An interview with a prominent Cuban intellectual

Our nation is a great revolutionary and Cuba has been in confrontation with the United States for almost last 52 years. And our country has been a source of inspirations for neighboring countries like Venezuela...

ID: 32926 | Date: 2013/05/19

Question: We see it necessary to say our warm welcome to Your Excellency. Would you please tell us where do you come form?

 Answer: I am Abdul Karim Javierobio from Cuba and have come to the holy city of Qom in order to complete my education.

 Question: Please mention your views regarding dynamic thought of Imam Khomeini?

 Answer:  Imam Khomeini possessed a great personality and he was greatly concerned about the Muslims and rendered comprehensive audiences for the Islamic movements. From viewpoint of Imam, the practical actions were much better than mere thinking. (Imam believed that thinking and ideas must be followed by actions). These qualities of Imam led to the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

 The great Imam was a perfect role model for other nations as well. You can also become aware about some of these movements of great significance during this summit on Islamic Awakening being held in Tehran.

 Question: Please give us your views about the Muslim scholars and the Islamic World and the prediction of Imam about the uprising of oppressed people against the arrogant powers?

 Answer: In this regard we may point to the uprising of the Islamic resistance movement Hezbollah. If such an uprising had not occurred by the resistance movement, several of Muslims would have to suffer spiritual losses and fatalities under the dominance of Zionists.

 Reviewing the history of Islam, we come to this conclusion that unfortunately the enemies are not ready for any type of constructive dialogue or peaceful settlement. Fro an instance, the foes of Imams of Hassan and Hossein (peace be upon them) continued their hostile policies towards these two infallible divine personalities. They were assassinated at the hands of enemies and accomplished the status of martyrdom. The sole way out of these types of tough situations would be to undertake uprisings against the hostile powers.

 Question: Which of Imam's books are widely welcomed by people and masses of your country? What ways you suggest in order to promote Imam's works in the region.

 Answer: Several of Imam's books have been published in our country in recent years. Our nation is a great revolutionary and Cuba has been in confrontation with the United States for almost last 52 years. And our country has been a source of inspirations for neighboring countries like Venezuela, Ecuador and Salvador. This  historical background show that our people have been following the footsteps of  the great Imam and his dynamic thought have raised awareness among them.

 With thanks and appreciation