Palestinian issue should boost national unity, says former head of security commission

Heshmatullah Falahat Pisheh, the former head of the National Security Commission of the Islamic Council, said that the Palestinian issue should be used to create and boost national unity.

ID: 78747 | Date: 2023/10/31
He made remarks at a summit which was held at Hosseiniah Jamaran to review the ongoing latest developments in the besieged Palestinian enclave of Gaza. The gathering was held in the presence of Seyyed Hassan Khomeini and several other intellectuals under the auspices and efoorts of the Institute for Editing and Publishing Imam's Works in Hosseinieh Jamaran

Addressing the gathering, the former official said Iran and the United States despite their significant differences, the both from one perspective bear similarities in certain sense that  they don’t want  the flow management and affairs get out of their control

The former head of the National Security Commission of the Islamic Council stated that this issue of Palestine has determined that whom are the most compassionate people for national interests.

 He also emphasized the political selection or election of  people should be among of the moderate ones.

He went onto say that the country's politics in various fields, including the international arena must be reformed.

He said no one wanted the affairs run out of control or spiral into an unwanted conditions.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said Israeli extremists have set fire to 16 churches. Western countries were challenged by the actions of these Israeli extremists during this span of time.

Some rockets are fired in the area that no one takes responsibility for them. It is not right to create tension between Iran and its biggest foe the US  in this situation.

He added that a look at the Arab-Israeli wars shows that Israel's failures began when the resistance forces were formed.

Regarding the resistance operations, the country's policy should be full support for the resistance, but in the field of propagation and emancipation, it should not be expropriating and the Islamic world should be behind the developments.