I need my eyes recovered to recite holy Quran

Fatima Tabatabaei, the daughter-in-law of Imam Khomeini, extracted from Hudur Magazine, Vol. 3, P. 84

ID: 79540 | Date: 2024/02/17
A close family member of Imam recalls that once he was suffering with an eye problem and consulted a doctor during stay in the holy city of Najaf.

 The doctor examined the eyes and suggested Imam to take rest and quit reciting the holy Quran for some days.

 “I need eyes for reciting Quran, what is usage of eyes if I couldn’t read the scripture. Please find some way so I can keep reading the holy book” Imam replied in pleasant temper while laughing.

(Fatima Tabatabaei, the daughter-in-law of Imam Khomeini, extracted from Hudur Magazine, Vol. 3, P. 84)