The 7th International Conference Held on Imam Khomeini and Foreign Policy

The conference started with the inaugural address of Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, in which he talked about the legacy of Imam Khomeini

ID: 33023 | Date: 2013/06/03

The 7th international conference on Imam Khomeini and Foreign Policy was held in the Iranian capital Tehran. The conference started with the inaugural address of Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, in which he talked about the legacy of Imam Khomeini and wrapped up his speech by inviting all intellectuals to further study Islamic movements.

"I would like to invite western intellectuals to clearly understand the nature of Islamic movements by focusing on the ideologies Imam Khomeini and to lay the grounds for understanding instead of conflict and collaboration instead of confrontation.” Salehi said. The conference focused on the Islamic-Popular Movements and the model of change in Imam Khomeini’s Paradigm.