German Youth after Reading Imam's Books Converts to Islam

A prominent German youth says he has been deeply impressed and converted to Islam after reading a precious book by Imam Khomeini, the great mystic and philosopher of the world of Islam.

ID: 33355 | Date: 2013/07/25

Maximilian Muller, a German citizen, currently pursuing his studies at the Islamic seminaries in the Iranian holy city of Qom said that he became Shia Muslim after reading the Imam's famous book of "combat with the self".

"I was raised in a region which has significant Muslim population in Germany. I used to participate in their academic circles and discussed several topics of interest. One day I encountered this well-known book by Imam Khomeini. I was deeply impressed and decided to become Shia Muslim and determined to continue my studies in Iran," Muller said.

Muller made these remarks on the sidelines of an international book fair in Tehran.

He pointed out that some of the discussions undertaken by the great Imam in his precious work has common roots in German philosophy and in our tradition as well. However, he praised imam's deep knowledge about mysticism, ethic and philosophy from various perspectives.  

It is worth-mentioning that the founder of the Islamic Republic has left dozens of valuable books about a range of fields including Hadith, Quranic interpretation, jurisprudence, ethic, mysticism, philosophy and poetry.

Imam's works have been translated into several languages of the world over some past few years and becoming popular among various cultures and followers of regions in different parts of the world.