Imam Insisted on Revival of Moral Values among Humanity

Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world maintained that purpose of the divine mission of the holy prophet of Islam and his infallible successors were the perfection of moral values.

ID: 34535 | Date: 2013/11/15
According to Imam, in the noble traditions by the holy prophet recorded in Islamic sources, moral excellences have been given more importance than anything else after doctrinal teachings.

The great Imam frequently emphasized that the morality is of a great significance as it is the asset of the everlasting life of the hereafter. The capital asset of the life here is also the acquisition of noble dispositions and the possession of moral excellences.

 The great religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world believed that the paradise which is given to man for the sake of moral excellence is the paradise of attributes, incomparable to the physical paradise of Act.

Moral values, ethics, with this peculiar status, has always had grabbed the attention of the founder of the Islamic Republic.

It was very evident that from the very beginning when he was a regular teacher up to the time when he was in the midst of the political arena, led the people’s uprising, and established the Islamic Republic, he always paid particular attention to morality, and viewed almost all socio-political issues from the moral aspects.

Analysts believe that Imam’s guidance, recommendations and political messages should be treated, apart from the occasion of their issuance, as profound moral lessons from which we can learn.

Imam frequently noted that morality cannot be restricted to some recommendations and decrees. Rather, it is anchored in profound philosophical, theosophical and anthropological principles and precepts.

Some academic believe that his views on morality is a philosophical one. It means that he keenly scrutinizes moral vices and virtues, discusses them wisely, and enumerates the benefits and harms of this and that item.

The great religious scholar has a remarkably profound belief in religious morality and uncovers vices and virtues from the heart of the Islamic narrations from the Infallibles; nevertheless, he does not content himself with the tradition of quoting, but perfectly utilizes intellect in analyzing these narrations and in elucidating moral concepts.

Imam’s maintained balance between the intellect (aql) and narration (naql), which has been acceptable to the great Islamic scholars, is very manifest and conspicuous in the moral discourses of the Imam. Anyone who assiduously scrutinizes the ethical and Gnostic works of the Imam can deduce his system of ethics and moral.