Imam Khomeini Showed Great Respect for Christianity

Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world used to call for the Christian community to follow pure and genuine teachings as promoted by the divine prophet, Jesus Christ.

ID: 34868 | Date: 2022/12/25
Imam sent messages of congratulations during his historic stay in the French capital Paris and he continued this pattern even after victory of the Islamic Revolutionin Iran.

Imam regularly sent congratulatory messages to the Christian leaders on the auspicious occasion of Christmas and urged them to be true follower of the Jesus. He also invited the Christian community to resort to genuine teachings of Jesus on the occasion of Christmas and avail this opportunity to revive divine nature of his message.

During Imam’s stay in Paris, he distributed sweets on Christmas and Christians living in the Paris neighborhood were deeply impressed by Imam’s ethical conduct and behavior. 

Imam also held several meetings with Christian leaders prior and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and called for the Church to join the struggle against oppressors and colonialism.

During the meetings with Jewish and Christian leaders and urged them to stand by the Islamic Republic, the Iranian nation and oppressed nations of the world against aggressions and discriminations.

Imam was a great champion of unity among all religious schools of thought and wanted them to take unified stance against imperial and aggressive powers.

The great Imam maintained that Christian people and leaders should follow the pure teachings of the Jesus Christ—the great prophet of God the Almighty — instead of favoring the wrongdoing of some aggressive materialistic minded rulers.

The founder of the Islamic Republic believed in the unity of Islam and other divine religions as it was necessary against colonialists and the enemies of Islam. Call to unity under the flag of monotheism forms an important part of Imam’s messages and speeches.

The works and initiatives of Imam remain equal popular among all followers of Divine faiths including the Muslims, Christians, Jews and others.  Imam was also a staunch supporter of the minorities and issued special recommendations and advised that their rights must be observed.

The great imam believed that man’s intuition is based on monotheism, charity, search for truth and justice. According to Imam, if general awareness increases and the evil of ego weakened, then every human society will take to God-seeking and live in environments rich in peace and tranquility.

In all his public messages and speeches, the Imam had urged the world captive nations and the oppressed peoples to rise against the arrogant world and colonial powers.


The great leader of the world had initiated the idea of forming “Party of the Oppressed Peoples” and defended it.

The founder of the Islamic Republic frequently emphasized that the Islamic Revolution is enemy to the domineering objectives of the eastern and western colonial powers. He supported the nations who are themselves victims of neocolonialism.

Imam Khomeini’s motto was standing firm against the oppressor and defending the oppressed and he used to say, “We are neither cruel nor do we tolerate cruelty”.

The founder of the Islamic Republic considered the philosophy of the prophetic missions as a means by which men are led toward theosophy, to activate man’s perfection-seeking power, in negation of all darkness, in reformation of the society, and in establishment of equity and justice.

He was a divine philosopher and mystic, a religious authority and at the same time the leader of the Islamic Revolution, and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He was acquainted with the principles of Western philosophy, and was well versed in the principles of logic and Islamic philosophy. He followed philosophy as a path for recognition of the stage and the step taken to perceive the realities of existence and of creatures.

Imam’s philosophical outlook toward the truth of existence and pantheism and its stages, is deeply influenced by his school of mysticism.

The great Imam also supported the internal unity among all sects of Islam and rejected those forces who sought to sow seeds of discord among the Muslim Ummah. His Holiness ruled out any move that would break up the lines of the Muslims and lead to domination by colonialists.

The Imam believed that knowing oneself is the basis of theology and that purging oneself of ethical corruption and vices and acquisition of excellences are prerequisites to know God.

According to Imam, attaining to divine gnosis, and exalted moral stations would not be possible except by following the path which the great prophets and God’s proofs on earth have learned and traversed.

Imam maintained that the all followers of divine religions should become united under the flag of monotheism and human, social and moral values should be given great importance for the salvations and progress of the whole humanity.