Jamaran Welcomes Foreign Guests and Devotees of the Imam

Foreign guests attending the 25th departure anniversary of the founder of the Islamic Republic paid a visit to Imam Khomeini's house in Jamaran and appreciated the very simple life led by the great leader of Muslim world.

ID: 35879 | Date: 2014/05/31
The place and venue of living belonging to Imam Khomeini was really inspiring to the foreign guests coming from across the world.

"It is really a humble life close to the life of his true ancestors and the life style of masses in the time of Iranian revolution," said one of the guests in his visiting the place. "However, it was in this place that the Imam visited many of the political figures and leaders of the world, and it was in this place that he called them towards monotheism and brotherhood," he added.

Imam Khomeini brought a great revolution to the Iranian people; he brought the message of unity and solidarity and worked against oppression and injustice facing the Muslim world. And at this critical period of time it is our duty to follow his messages and instructions. 

Saud Akhtar, a senior journalist from New Delhi, made the remarks in an interview with our representative during the visit.

"He is a great leader whose teachings are still influencing Muslim generation and any free-minded man throughout the world," noted the journalist.

 S.N.M.Abdi, another guest from Kashmir praising the diplomacy and political manner of the Imam, said: we will have a peaceful Middle east, if we follow the manner of Imam and pay attention to his recommendations regarding the hurdles surrounding Muslim world and community.

According to this Shia political activist and journalist Imam Khomeini must be regarded as a true model for all Muslims to follow, since Imam in addition to conducting the political revolution promoted pure teachings of Islam, and through an appropriate manner.

Visiting the house of Imam Khomeini in Jamaran, scheduled by cultural committee of International Headquarters for Anniversary Commemoration of Imam Khomeini had a warm reception from the foreign guests and provided an opportunity with them to become familiar with the thought and personality of the great leader of Muslim world.