Imam Khomeini Highlighted Philosophy of Divine Feast during Ramadan

ID: 36141 | Date: 2014/06/28
Imam Khomeini, the world religious and spiritual leader highlighted the spiritual perspectives and depth of philosophy of divine feast during the holy month of Ramadan.

The founder of the Islamic Republic maintained that the holy month of Ramadan was an opportunity for self-training and self-purification.

The first step in the arena of “divine feast” is the accurate comprehension and real meaning of observing fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Concerning this matter, Imam Khomeini says, “We should figure out and see what has been this feast. Also, we should know how much we have found a way into this feast. As the whole world is under the divine compassion, everything is His mercy and His compassion is expansive towards everything, the matter of feast is another one, the invitation to “feast” is the other matter.”

The Ramadan is the month of divine feast which marks the beginning self-purification of soul and body.  Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says:

“The health of the whole year is depended on the health of Ramadan. If the human being encounters harm in this month, he/she will be damaged throughout the year.”

We see that in Quran and Hadith, a lot of virtues have been stated for the holy month of Ramadan that we point to some of them in this essay briefly:

The month of God: Ramadan is the only month whose name has been mentioned in Quran and it directly refers to Exalted God.

Imam Reza quoted from Imam Ali (peace be upon them), “one day, the Prophet of Islam read a sermon and at the beginning of it said, “O people! Know that the month of God has turned to you.”  

Also, Imam Sadeq (PBUH) has said, “The Prophet of Islam said 'the month of Ramadan is the month of Great God…'”

Ending of the holy month of Ramadan has its own manners and rituals as Imam Sajjad (PBUH) recommended in this regard as following:   

 “We hail the greatest month of God and the feast of God`s friends.”

A month which is superior to all months: The month of Ramadan is different from the other months from the viewpoint of worth and value and it is more superior to the other months. Honorable holy Mohammad (PBUH) says: “Indeed, this month is not similar to other months of year.”

And, the virtue of one night of the nights of this month has been preferred to the virtue of the nights of other thousand months and God named it as “The Grand Night.”

The month of paradise adornment: The divine agents adorn paradise due to the entrance of the holy month of Ramadan.

The month of revelation of the Quran: Quran, the most superior Heavenly Book and the best divine word, has been reveled in the month of Ramadan and in the holy “Grand Night” (Qadr: 2). This night is more superior to thousand months according to Quran`s verse and the word of the Prophet (Baqarah: 185, Dukhan: 3, Qadr: 1).

The month of God`s feast: The month of Ramadan is the only month which has been remembered as a time for God`s feast for believers. In a phrase of the sermon which the Prophet has uttered due to beginning of Ramadan, we read:

 “O people! The month of God has turned to you …; the month which you have been invited to God`s feast.”

“Divine Feast” is very different from the ordinary feasts. The important point is that the accurate understanding of this feast, causes God`s guests not to become tired from the long duration of this month and they wish the whole year would be the month of Ramadan so that they are benefited by the attending this guest house. The honorable holy Prophet of Islam says there is no limitation in divine feast due to endlessness and expansion of the range of divine kindness and compassion. Also, the letter of invitation has been issued for all people and all have been invited to attend this feast.

Imam Khomeini says in the direction of this Prophetic word, “God has invited all people to this feast and Gnostics and friends of God enter that feast and, of course, few persons can be successful.

We bring some of phrases from Imam Khomeini’s messages as following:

The month of Sha`ban is the prelude to the holy month of Ramadan. It prepares the people for the holy month and for the feast of God. When you want to go to a party, you do not go in your usual, everyday dress. You normally dress up in another way and attend the party in a different manner. You modify your manners from what they might be when you are at home. The month of Sha`ban is the time for that preparation before attending the party, just as you get ready and make yourself look a bit different from the way you appear in your house. Sha`ban is the month that prepares these people; these Muslims, for "God's Feast." And the manner of preparation lies in the "Munajat-e Sha`baniyyah." I have not seen any other supplication that has been said to have been recited by all the Imams, as is the case with this Sha`baniyyah Supplication. This supplication is unique in this regard; I do not recall any other one that the Imams used to recite. The purpose of this Sha`baniyyah Supplication is to prepare you and everyone for "God's Feast."

                        Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol.13, p. 28