Rouhani’s cabinet renews allegiance with Imam Khomeini

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and several members of his cabinet has paid a visit to holy shrine of the founder of the Islamic Republic to renew their allegiance towards lofty goals and ideals of the revolution.

ID: 36828 | Date: 2014/08/25
During the ceremony, Imam’s grandson Hassan Khomeini received the president and the cabinet member s. President Rouhani and the cabinet members also paid tribute to the late Imamˈs wife and son.

The spiritual visit to the holy shrine took place on the first day of the Government Week, which is observed in Iran each year in commemoration of former president Mohammad-Ali Rajai and late prime minister Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, who were assassinated in a terrorist attack on August 30, 1981.

The deadly attack was carried out by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) some two months after Iranian Chief Justice Mohammad Beheshti was assassinated along with 72 state officials and lawmakers in another MKO bombing in Tehran.

Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic established a comprehensive Islamic-democratic system in our contemporary era following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The founder of the Islamic Republic once said Islam has represented a very civilized democratic system which guarantees various types of civil liberties and freedoms for all strata of the society.

The great Imam believed that the progressive Islamic system will guard and watch all social, material and spiritual interests of the Muslim world and oppressed nation.

The progressive Islamic government brought prosperity and development for the nation in coming years.