1- If one worships God sincerely, He will provide him with the best things.
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.70, Page.249)
2- The reward of being good-tempered towards the believers is the Paradise, the reward of being good-tempered towards the quarrelsome enemies is being safe from the Hell-fire.
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.75, Page.401)
3- The Almighty has set our obedience the base of uniformity in the Muslim society, and our leadership is the platform of union and safety in the community.
(Ihtejaj Tabarsi, Iran, Osveh Publisher, Vol.1, Page.258)
4- It has been narrated from Fatima (s.a.) that the Prophet (s.a.) once said: "An Imam is like the Kaaba that people should go towards it. People should not wait for an Imam to look for them."
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.36, Page.353)
5- Truly, the fortunate is the one who loves Ali (a.s.).
(Majmah ol Zavaayed by Allameh Haythami, Vol.9, Page.132)
6- The one who sleeps after having food, with his hands still dirty and greasy, cannot blame anybody except oneself for the consequences.
(Kanzol Amal, Vol.15, Page.242)
7- The date is a good present for a faithful.
(Kanzol Amal, Vol.12, Page.339)
8- To be patient in difficulties deserves Divine rewards.
(Ihtejaj Tabarsi, Iran, Osveh Publisher, Vol.1, Page.258)
9- God commanded people to enjoin the good in order to reform their society.
(Ihtejaj Tabarsi, Iran, Osveh Publisher, Vol.1, Page.258)
10- Kindness to the parents is a safeguard from wrath. Maintaining close relations with one's kin is a cause for a longer life and multiplying the number of descendants.
(Ihtejaj Tabarsi, Iran, Osveh Publisher, Vol.1, Page.259)
11- When Salman asked Hadrat Faitma (s.a.) to help a poor man, she answered “O Salman! By God who chose Muhammad (s.a.) as His Messenger, we have had nothing to eat in the last three days. My children Hassan and Hussain (a.s.) became impatient because of hunger, until they slept tired and weary. But I will not send away the righteous one who has knocked at my door.”
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.43, Page.72)
12- Imam Hassan (a.s.) said: "I saw my mother on a Thursday night while she was busy with prayer, supplications, bowing down and prostration before God until Friday morning. All through the night she prayed for the faithful by mentioning each one's name and praying much for him or her, but she didn't pray for herself at all. I asked her at last: “Mother! Why didn't you pray for yourself as you prayed for others?” She answered: “My son! First your neighbor, then your family and yourself.”
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.43, Page.81)
13- The best of you are those who are more good-tempered towards the people and kind and generous towards their wives.
(Dalaylol Imamah Tabari, Page.7)
14- It has been narrated from Fatima (s.a.) that the Prophet (s.a.) said: "Fatima is part of me, that which annoys her annoys me, and harms me that which harms her."
(Bahar Al Anvar, Vol.28, Page.303)
15- Be at your mother's service for the Paradise will be beneath the feet of the mothers.
(Nahjol Hayat, Page.312)