Hadrat Fatima Zahra (s.a) was born in the 20th day of Arabic lunar month Jamadi al-Thani, five years after Bi’tha (appointment of Hadrat Mohammad (s.a) to the position of divine prophethood) and 8 years before Hegira (immigration of the Holy Prophet from Mecca to Medina).
The story of her birth is a wonderful one. The Holy Prophet (s.a) – through a divine command – was ordered to seclude himself from contact with Khadija (s.a) for 40 days. Despite all his love for his dear wife, the Holy Prophet (s.a) did not go home in compliance with Allah’s order. During the whole 40-day period of his seclusion, Mohammad (s.a) was engaged in prayers, fasting, and spiritual connections with his Lord. The Holy Prophet (s.a) had sent a courier to Khadija to notify her of the matter and assure her that there was nothing wrong with her and that the event had happened as a result of Allah’s command.
When the seclusion stage came to its end, at the time of Iftar (while the Holy Prophet (s.a) was preparing himself to end his fasting by eating food), he heard the familiar voice of Archangel Gabriel: “Allah sends His salaams to you! Get ready to receive the celestial gift from your Lord!” Then angels brought down a tray full of heavenly fruits for Mohammad (s.a). Gabriel told him: “Eat from this heavenly dish tonight; then go to Khadija; Almighty Allah has willed to create a pure child out of this blissful food.”
Thus Fatima (s.a) was conceived from the fruits of paradise. Nine months passed. During her pregnancy, Khadija (s.a) talked to the baby in her womb; a baby, who turned out to be the most supreme lady among the mankind from the very first to the last.
Finally Archangel Gabriel brought glad tidings to the Holy Prophet (s.a): “O Messenger of God! This baby is a much dignified daughter. All your offspring and descendants shall be descended from her. She is the mother of Infallible Imams: the religious leaders who shall be your successors when the divine revelation would end (after your demise).” The Holy Prophet (s.a) transmitted the good tidings to Khadija to make her heart happy with the promising news.
Some years earlier, when Khadija had married Mohammad (s.a), the aristocratic ladies of her tribe (entitled Quraysh) left her alone and cut off their relations with her as an objection to her decision in marrying Mohammad.
When the time for childbirth approached, Khadija dispatched someone to go to the ladies of Quraysh and ask them to help her in the process of giving birth to her baby, but they refused to help Khadija even at that difficult time.
At that crucial moment, when Khadija had lost hope to receive any help from the ladies of Quraysh, she sought assistance from her Lord. By the grace of Allah, four of the most beautiful women in white dressings came to help her in that time of need. They had bowls of heavenly water in their hands. Each one began to introduce herself. The first one said, “I am your foremother, Eve”. The second one said, “I am Asiya daughter of Muzahim, Pharaoh’s wife”. The third one said, “I am Kulthum, Moses’ sister”, and the fourth one said, “I am Mariam (Saint Mary) daughter of Imran, mother of Jesus Christ; we have come to deliver your child”.
So with the help of these heavenly ladies, Fatima (s.a) was delivered, and the brightness and brilliance of her face illuminated the sky from east to west. The four holy ladies bathed the baby with heavenly water, wrapped her in heavenly clothes, and put her on the lap of Khadija.
The baby was named Fatima, because she and her followers shall be protected from the fire of hell.
The news of Fatima’s birth reached the Holy Prophet (s.a). He was extremely delighted to hear the joyful news. He perceived that the divine promise of giving him the Kawthar (the Abundant Blessing) had been fulfilled.
At the same time that the birth of Holy Fatima (s.a) had made the Holy Prophet and Khadija happy, the enemies of Islam became disappointed and upset as they used to call the Holy Prophet as Abtar – i.e. the one who shall be without posterity (as all his children had died due to different reasons) – but now they saw that he was given an abundant blessing through the birth of Holy Fatima (s.a).