He was born on March 15th 1946. Four years prior to his birth, the aggressive Allied forces had occupied the homeland, and in a new game, had seated Muhammad Reza Pahlavi on the throne of the imperial monarchy. During his childhood Sayyid Ahmad was surrounded by a spiritual environment and warmth, which was given by his father the great Imam Khomeini.
On November 4th 1963 he witnessed his father being arrested by the Shah’s officials. During his father’s exile to Iraq Sayyid Ahmad gave the relevant messages from Imam Khomeini to those who were fighting for the revolution. He also frequently visited those who were in prison. During the first few months of 1967, he left for Iraq.
During this trip, he was officially given the title of clergyman and a turban was placed on his head. Imam’s son also attended his father and brother’s lectures in the short time he was in Najaf. Imam Khomeini told Sayyid Ahmad what to do next and sent messages and issued statements, which he had to give to different people in Qom.
On the 29th of June 1967, Sayyid Ahmad was captured on the Iranian borders and the SAVAK immediately recognized him. He was held in the Gasr-e-Shirin intelligence ministry, which is situated in Kermanshah, and after a while was sent to Gizil Gal’a Prison. This prison was a particularly terrifying and dark prison.
The SAVAK were unable to get any information out of him and they saw this as an embarrassing failure. In addition they didn’t want to create a scene and get people roused once more, so they told Sayyid Ahmad that if he liked, they could give his passport as long as he went to Iraq and didn’t return.
However they were unaware that Imam had told him exactly what tactics to use with them and to reject any offers. Imam’s son was finally freed on the 15th of August 1967. When he was freed, he wrote a letter to his father in Najaf. He knew well that his letter would first be read by the SAVAK and then sent to his father. In the letter he tells Imam that he has been freed from prison and he is fine, and indirectly informs him that no information was given away. He also says that, he had a good time in prison and he would have liked to stay longer, and repeats this several times throughout the letter. The reason he said this was that, he knew the SAVAK could only come to two conclusions when reading this sentence in his letter. Either that he was an unusual man and not normal or that he wanted to stay in prison to provoke the people to start protesting once more. This confused the Shah’s officials and so they opted to leave him be. This was only one of Sayyid Ahmad’s clever tactics, but it is evident they were vital for the success of the revolution.
Sayyid Ahmad and his role in Paris The momentous migration of Imam Khomeini from Najaf to Paris was a prelude to the collapse of the Imperial regime in Iran. Sayyid Ahmad accompanied his father in this migration and wonderful event. This role has been so vivid and effective that, Imam Khomeini repeatedly said that his one and only advisor during this historic and momentous move was “Ahmad”. Sayyid Ahmad and Imam Khomeini left for Paris in October 1978. The sociopolitical studies of Ahmad, his recognition of political groups existing in Iran at the time, and his unique wisdom and intelligence made him play his most crucial role in strengthening the revolution and the leadership of Imam Khomeini. He confronted and dealt with different political parties, which were deviating from Imam’s line, managed all Imam’s paperwork in Neauphle-le-Chateau, made sure all interviews with Imam were held on time, was meticulous in the translation of Imam’s interviews and statements and prevent them from being distorted by interested parties. Apart from these roles he also established vital connections between the Iranians fighting for the revolution and Imam. According to eyewitnesses and Imam’s companions in Neauphle-le-Chateau, he worked so hard that he fell sick several times. He dedicated his life and existence to Imam and the revolution. While he took part in the key decision-making sessions of the revolution, delivered Imam’s messages, and informed Imam of the latest events, he also protected Imam and made sure no harm came to him.
Sayyid Ahmad’s roles during Imam Khomeini’s entrance into Iran Although the news that, the Mehrabad Airport was going to be closed, the military officials were going to stage a coup, and Imam’s airplane was going to be exploded was rumored, Imam Khomeini decided to return to his homeland. The Shah’s regime tried every trick up their sleeve to stop Imam from returning but they were unsuccessful, and so on the 1st of February 1979 Imam entered Iranian soil. This wise decision and magnificent event, was thought out by the same man who decided Imam should go to Paris. Ahmad was the man behind these decisions as he was Imam’s advisor, Imam’s companion, and Imam’s supporter. As he did many times before, he made sure the necessary provisions for the trip were provided, arranged for Imam to change his airplane, and selected those who would be travelling with Imam. He did all this to ensure Imam’s safe arrival to Tehran and the success of the revolution. At last fourteen years of hardship had come to an end. The years of struggle, fear and exile were no more and a great Shia victory awaited Imam, his family and the Iranian people. Finally the Pharaoh of Iran was defeated. Ahmad accompanied his father through thick and thin, and he too came to see how the seed he and his father had planted had grown into a tree with unbreakable roots. After the success of the Islamic revolution, Imam Khomeini and Hajj Sayyid Ahmad left for Qom on the 1st of March. Ahmad instantly got working and he made sure that Imam was connected to all the regions of Iran and that his words would be instantaneously heard around the world. He was in charge of organizing the visits made by different groups of people and never left Imam’s side unless he was running errands for Imam. Ahmad was a role-model in terms of his management skills and those close to him or who worked with him spoke highly of these skills.
Sayyid Ahmad’s roles during the war On the 22nd of September 1980 the Iranian people were forced to defend their country and fight back. Sayyid Ahmad played a crucial role in the Iranian holy defence. The determined, untiring, trustworthy and skillful Sayyid Ahmad was always by Imam Khomeini’s side. When Imam issued a statement Ahmad made sure that it reached the people without being distorted. He also kept Imam up to date regarding the latest news on the war. He also had many other roles such as arranging dates for the commanders of the revolutionary guards and the army to meet Imam. Generally we could consider Sayyid Ahmad’s role in the war in two parts. First as someone who understood the warriors and the war he was the best person to inform Imam about them, and also delivering Imam’s orders and statements to the warriors and commanders. Secondly when there were too many unsolved problems he analyzed the war himself, and entered the field and by being in contact with Imam Khomeini he reached the problem to a solution.
Sayyid Ahmad’s roles after Imam Khomeini’s demise After Imam’s passing, Sayyid Ahmad did not accept any official administrative posts, saying, “If one has a motive and a goal, he can serve the system and the revolution even without an official position; nay he may serve better and more easily under such circumstances.” Time and time again he would say that he wanted to remain Imam’s son and supporter of his values and ideals. Since he was of the view that the Supreme Leader’s wishes represented a religious and imperative duty, at the request of the Supreme Leader he accepted to become a member of the Expediency Council, the National Security High Council, and the Country’s Cultural Revolutionary High Council. Given his experience and insight, his presence in these organs was very useful. His membership in the aforesaid organs went on till his death. He was also a voluntary member of the Central Board of Directors of ‘The Imam Khomeini Relief Committee’
Sayyid Ahmad’s demise and the reaction of the Iranian people On the 12th of March 1995, news spread that Sayyid Ahmad had suffered a stroke and was confined to his bed. This news caused an instant wave of anxiety first in Tehran and soon after throughout Iran. A few hours later, the Islamic Republic news stations officially announced the bad condition Sayyid Ahmad was in. Great cries rose from all houses and the people prayed for him to get better. The untiring efforts of the medical team were of no avail as only four days later Sayyid Ahmad passed away. On the 16th of March 1995 it was announced that Sayyid Ahmad had left this world in order to meet his Lord. Ahmad Khomeini’s name, memory, picture, and unparalleled sacrifices will remain in the heart, soul, and spirit of the lovers of the Islamic revolution forever.