Oh Allah, be upon your last representative, our twelfth Imam, Hujjat ibn al-Hassan, may your peace be upon him and his forefathers, at this time and at all times, his master and his protector, his leader and his helper, and his guide and his guardian, until you place him on your earth, so that you may guide him in making use of this, for a great deal of time to come.
When we look into the scriptures of the different divine religions, they share a unique approach, which has made a hopeful future for the human race. With different levels of emphasis, all have made reference to a savior; who will spread justice throughout the world. In contrast, sociological and non-divine methodical approaches are more pessimistic, and they indicate that the fate of the human race will deteriorate. They believe that wars, outbreaks of violence, and bombardment upon the innocent will escalate as time progresses.
The Qur'an, as the last and most complete divine scripture, mentions the promise of the fate of the earth and the people:
"Indeed we wrote in the Psalms after the reminder, ‘my righteous servants shall inherit the earth.'" (21:105)
"For sure, the earth belongs to Allah to give as an inheritance to such of his servants as he pleases, and the best of the end belongs to the righteous." (7:128)
"And we wish to be gracious to those who were forced to weakness on the earth, to make them leaders, and make them heirs." (28:5)
"Allah has promised those among you who have come to believe, and perform good deeds, that he will certainly grant them representatives on the land, just as he has granted it to those before them; and that he will establish with authority, their religion, which he has chosen for them, and that he will change their state of fear in which they live in, to one of security and peace. ‘They will worship me alone, and will not associate anything with me, and if anyone disbelieves after this, they are impious." (224:55)
The Prophet of Islam signifies this heavenly Messiah in a more descriptive manner, "If there were only one day remaining until the end of the world, God would elongate that day so that he will raise a man from my progeny whose name is my name, and whose kunya (nickname) is the same as mine. He will spread justice through the face of the earth, as it has been corrupt and full of injustice." The man described is whom we know to be Imam Mahdi, the 12th and final infallible successor of the Prophet. He will arise and accomplish God's promise. The Prophet has stated, "Anyone who denies the reappearance of Imam Mahdi has become a disbeliever."