I Will Be a Comrade to My Palestinian Brother


We have always been talking about Israel and her usurpation for many years now. It has always been our intention to stand next to our Palestinian brothers, and whenever we gain power, to fight along with them like brothers and fighters alike, while they fight for their rights. Jerusalem must return to the Muslims. The Israeli's are usurpers. (1)


Not Considering Israel legitimate

Neither the Iranian Muslim nation, nor any other Muslim nor any freeman would recognize Israel, and we will always remain a supporter of our Palestinian and Arab brothers. (2)
Israel is rejected and we will never supply oil to it and will never recognize it under any circumstances. (3)

  1. Sahifeh, vol. 4, Page: 420
  2. Sahifeh, vol. 5, Page: 137
  3. Sahifeh, vol. 5, Page: 204