My son! The deplorable things, which lies at the bottom of all adversities and afflictions and tops all mistakes and sins is love of the world, which originates from the love of the self. The world is not an abode to be denounced as it is manifestation of the Truth and station of His divinity and where the angels of Allah have descended and the place for the education of Prophets and saints of God—peace be upon them—and the meeting house of the righteous ones and the location for the manifestation of the Truth in the hearts of those enchanted by the real Beloved. If the love of the world arises from love of God and as His manifestation, the Most High and Exalted, it is pleasing and prompts perfection. If, however, it stems from love of the self, it will be the chief factor triggering all sins. Hence, the despicable world lies within you. Interests in and attachments to other than the owner of the heart will lead to downfall. All oppositions to God and afflictions arising from disasters, crimes and treasons are the result of the love of the self, from which emanates the love of the world and its allurements and the love of name and fame.
(Sahifeh-ye Imam, Vol. 16, P. 214)