The Nicaraguan Ambassador to Tehran:

Imam led the Islamic Revolution and Taught a Glorious Lesson

Mr. Mario A. Barquero Baltodano the Nicaraguan Ambassador to Tehran while attending the NAM summit, in an interview with Imam Khomeini International Portal recalled Imam Khomeini as the unforgettable man of the history and said: "Ayatollah Khomeini is a great and unforgettable man whose recommendations are applicable now. Imam who leaded the Islamic revolution taught a glorious lesson to all that one can confront the violence and arrogance."
On Imam Khomeini's role in the Islamic awakening and recent revolutions, he said: "Undoubtedly, Ayatollah Khomeini's thoughts and beliefs have been developed in the Islamic world and we see that Arabic awakening has originated from Imams thoughts."
The Nicaraguan ambassador also said: "Imam Khomeini's memorial will be alive in the hearts of his lovers forever."