The significance and value of any revolution depends of the ideals and goals it follows. The smallness and bigness of the ideals and goals to a great extent determines the costs that have to be paid for any revolution. As the ideals and goals of a revolution became more attractive and progressive the hardships and pressures in the direction to reach them also became sweeter and easier. Iran's Islamic Revolution from the beginning drew certain ideals and goals for itself and the leadership and the people of Iran with their efforts from the start until now have not blinked an eye in order to have their hands on them. Some of the ideals and goals of the Islamic Revolution are as under:
1- Creating a oneness system and an effort to be blessed in this and the other world.
2- Sovereignty of Islam and Quran in Man's life.
3- Educating and cleansing of Man and as a result society-making based on this.
4- Reaching for justice
5- Having a peaceful life
6- Having leisure, security, knowledge, political status independence and economic well-being
7- The status of Man and rejecting poverty, corruption and discrimination
8- The returning of Islamic worth to Muslims.
Besides the items that were mentioned other goals such as independence, freedom, moral growth, material progress, creation of a safe, worthy and … environment are also a part of the Revolution's goals. The great leader says about this that.
'' Religion offers human beings a social system and not only a number of habits and prayers. Although habits and payers are also full of the spirit of life in the direction of the same system, the social system is based on the same worldview, including the freedom and equality of human beings, social Justice, self-awareness of the individuals of the society, struggle against deviance and ugliness, the preference for human ideals over personal wishes.
Alteration to and remembering God, rejection of devilish dominations and other, principles of the Islamic system and also morality and personal behavior ad career and political purity, are all born of that world-view and general repletion of the world and Man. Islam-rejects systems based on power and forcefulness and bearing oppression, lack of knowledge, strangulation despotism, putting down Man and racial discrimination peoples, bloods and languages and fights against any individual and system that fights the Islamic system firmly and with resistance and besides that with all human beings what are of the same religious or not deals helpfully and kindly. With such based and goals the Islamic Revolution came about and founded the Islamic Republic system.