* The Islamic Revolution is based on the principle of monotheism whose essence spread its umbrella over all aspects of the society. In Islam the only deity for man, rather for the entire universe, is Allah and all human beings must act for Him, that is, for His pleasure, and not worship anybody or any object. In a society, where the worship of man, worship of a personality, utilitarianism, hedonism, and any other kind of worship are all condemned and human beings are called upon to only worship God, the relations among human beings, either economic or non-economic, inside such a society or its relations with other countries, will undergo a change, the criteria will also change, and all the privileges will be abrogated.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. l5, p. 7
* This spiritual change is astounding. This spiritual transformation caused this victory to take place for our nation… This spiritual transformation and this Islamic Revolution are gifts that God, the Most High, has sent down to our nation from heaven. We should all offer thanks to God, the Exalted and Blessed;I should thank God for these but am unable to do so… It was the people who did everything; it was God who supported them, and it was God's might and the power of faith, which blossomed on the last days of the Revolution. It was this power, which, through God's hand, uprooted a 2, 005- year-old monarchy that was backed overtly by the US.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 6, p. 205
* Our divine movement nullified the calculations of the experts… The calculations of the materialists who assumed that it was impossible for our nation to crush the great powers with bare hands turned out to be wrong. Those who questioned how a bunch of youth working in the bazaars and teachers without having anything could defeat a regime that had everything at its disposal, realized that their materialistic calculations were void. Here, it is a divine calculation; here the Hand of God is at work. Individuals cannot create such a movement and such a force. Mankind cannot awaken all the sections in this manner; mankind cannot enable the men and women of a country; the child and adolescent of a country, to become self-sacrificing. It is the Hand of God and it is the divine will, which caused all sections of the nation to become brothers and invalidate all the calculations of the material pundits.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol 7, p. 174
* It is not concealed from anyone that the motive behind the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the secret of its victory was Islam; and our nation, throughout the country, from the capital or the remotest towns and villages and settlements, by sacrificing their blood and the cry of" Allahu akbar" demanded the establishment of an Islamic republic; and in the unprecedented and amazing referendum, almost unanimously voted for an Islamic republic; and the Muslim and non-Muslim governments recognized the regime and the government of Iran as an" Islamic Republic". With regard to the above circumstances, the constitution and the rest of the laws in this republic must be based one-hundred percent on Islam. And even if a single article contravenes the tenets of Islam, it is violation of the republic and the almost unanimous majority of the nation.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 9, p. 280
* I hope that the Islamic Revolution of our great nation and their glorious victory over the enemies of Islam become a beacon for all the victimized nations under dominance. Further, they may get rid of their vicious and malefic domination; in particular America, the big enemy, and cut short their influence and regain the lost glory under the sacred teachings of Islam.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 12, p. 202
* Every person should start from himself for whatever quality desired to attain perfection. If you want to continue the Islamic Revolution or a cultural revolution, it should originate from yourselves. Your spirit should change. Thanks God, in this upraising and revolution, the spirit of our nation and in particular our youths, guards and soldiers has changed. It is something miraculous… The spirit which was not possible to reform into a human one, even with the labor of yours long inner fight and self-contradiction as though it happened within a night. Our youths throughout the history, particularly recently, were dragged to the centers of debauch and corruption. They had planned to spoil the youths by drawing them to incontinency and latitude to purge them. In their absence, tyrants could do their looting. The miracle of this revolution is that the youths were dragged back form those centers to the field of campaign. A great number of people all of a sudden changed to persons who spurn the past regime and all those alliances that the regime had created. They embraced Qur'an and found shelter in Islam.
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol 12, p. 316
* The Islamic Revolution of Iran which is supported by God, is spreading all over the world. God willing, with its spread, the satanic powers will be forced to withdraw and the government of the poor will be set up. Thus, the ground will be laid for the universal government of Mahdi at the end of time (may God hasten his honorable reappearance and may our souls be sacrificed for him).
Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 15, p. 302