Imam Khomeini, Revolution and Communications

Professor Hamid Molana is an Iranian academic of international relations and the head and founder if the complete program if international communications in the American university in Washington D.C. he is the assistant chief of the international society of research on communications when more than 3 thousand professor from 140 countries, are members. The interview below is the sum of a close conversation of Hozur periodical (the institute for publishing and regulating Imam's works) with professor Molana about the personalizing of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution which is presented to our dear readers.


Hozur: The present world is called the age of communications. In your view what is the Islamic Republic of Iran's stand in this world of communications?


- Professor Molana: the world of communications has two main principles one is its technology aspect and the other its human one. Most talks and writings in respect decades in the West and even in The East has been based on technology progress of communication and its changed compared to organization groups and individuals. I believe that if the concept and the word the world of communications or the age of communications are used we should mostly pay attention to its human aspect and ask to what extent the phenomenon and human incentives of communication, in the generality of it have had a share? Although the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Wants a long with an age in which important big changes in the technology if communications took place the services and the considerable impact of it was in the human dimension of the world's communications. This unique revolution developed the interdependence of Islamic Ummah meaning improving Towhid communications and created a big place in the communications revolute in contemporary history in the complete sense. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was a staking sample for all of the people of the world wants in the firmness and directedness of social Justice and struggle against oppression and particularly for Islamic societies and their wishes. Considering the point that the Islamic government Republic of Iran is the only and the first Islamic government in the world presently in which Islamic models is founded and implemented naturally it is noticed by all the public in the world particularly by the big Islamic Ummah. The defeat of the socialist and communist school of thought and regime in east Europe and the forner, Soviet Union and other parts and the shaking of the state and government of Western capitalism particularly with the present situation of economic, moral and social crises has created a vacuum which an our view only the Islamic Shariah and school of thought – which is based on Towhid and the forming of Godly Ummah-can respond to questions and needs people have. Hence in my view we are witnessing the beginning of the big Islamic movements which place great impacts on the changing of international and world systems.


Hozur: in your view how was Imam's way of communicating as the leader with the masses of people? Notably my question is what do you think was the cases of the deep elation between the people and the leadership?


- Professor Molana: in the philosophy there are two general and different views. Those who believe that history is the result of idea and thoughts and another group which believe that history itself create idea and thoughts. The Islamic model leans towards the first theory which says that idea creates history. Imam Khomeini founded his leadership on tradition and school of thought bases which had internalized its historical principles for long centuries in this land, the second point is that his religious and scientific standing along with consistent and long struggles allocated an especial legitimacy to the leadership which is unique in the history of revolutions and societies of the world. In addition his unique personality along with his unique righteousness independence and notable understanding had created a psychological attachment between the people and the leadership which stands alone in our age and should be studied by the human and social sciences thinkers and scientists. Third he was able to present to the Iranian people and Muslim and others in the world the struggles against foreign and domestic oppression meaning in the country and in the world fully in a long age that could be understood by all the people's stratus. In my view his revolutionary speech delivery has opened a new chapter in the analysis of social communications and theories of culture and society. Undoubtedly with his leadership the meaning and processes of morality and politics, society and religiosity, and Justice has changed not only in Iran but in other Islamic societies and countries. He is the founder of the worldly renascence of Islam in the 20th century which its multi jumps in the future decades and centuries will be revealed. There are many reasons behind the deep relationship between his leadership and the people and here there is no time to mention them but let me remind. This that another most important aspect of his leadership that is starking is the equality in the behavior and talks of him in his long struggles. This very big side of him is a sample of a leader's credibility and Godly-human worth for the groups and individuals and generally for the Islamic Ummah; something that can hardly be found in individual.


Hozur: In your view is now the time that Islamic country from an independent news agency? What obstacles do you think are there in this way?


- Professor Molana: nothing the big changes that have occurred in the political and regional systems of the world particularly in Islamic and central Asian countries it is the time now that we speak about the union of Islamic countries. Creation of a cultural, political, economics and even military union among Islamic countries including Indonesia and Algeria, ??? and Tajikistan and also the south and central ports of Africa is not an impossible wish. This in the present situation is a necessary and real possibility but it needs the leadership and cleverness of these countries and their knowledge of using the present circumstances. Founding of an Islamic news agency in which different countries are represented is something necessary and is one way of struggling against cultural and news attack of Europe and America and generally of the so called western countries. Unfortunately awareness of this among regional and Islamic countries especially in noting the information programming is not considerable. The founding of such institution can be a big step towards future public connections among the Islamic Ummah.


Hozur: in your view what is the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent big changes in the region and in the world?


- Professor Molana: Many of present changes were not predicted but a big part of these could be detected before. In the view of many countries the international system really has entered the unipolar stage with ruling of the U.S. and the Western world. Meanwhile domestic fights and moral and social downgrading in the west is an undeniable issue for all and for themselves. Although the management of many financial and economic affairs has come out of the hands of governments and has fallen in to the hands of the world big firms on the other hand competition among these countries and governments has increased to dominators markets. On one hand as I mentioned there is a big vacuum in the world system. Vis-à-vis these turmoils and changes the Islamic Republic of Iran which is the founder of the Islamic movement and the shaping of on independent Islamic rule now more than ever is noticed since the success of Islamic Iranian the role this system can have in today's world and it is structure and big changes can be a model, introduction and sample for other countries the efforts made to create cultural, economic and political unions between Iran and Islamic and regional countries, is a big step towards creation of a regional and even a world system. This historical opportunity may not be able to repeat itself for another long period.