Dimensions of the character of Imam Ali (a.s.)


This noble man has a multi-faceted character and is embodiment of the divine Names and Attributes. All divine Names and Attributes in their manifestation in this and other world have appeared in this character through the medium of the holy Prophet. The dimensions that are concealed in him are greater than those that are manifest. The very dimensions man has perceived have been gathered in one man and character. These dimensions are contradictory. One who is greatest of pious men is at the same time greatest of warriors, staunchly defending Islam. These features are not gathered in ordinary people. An ordinary man who is pious is not warrior. One who is warrior is not pious. While he practiced abstinence in livelihood and showed continence in nourishment and such things, he enjoyed strength in his muscles. This is the conjunction of paradoxes. While he was versed in various disciplines and spiritual knowledge as well as Islamic sciences, people in every branch considered him as a member of their field. The heroes considered Imam Ali (a.s.) as pertaining to them; so were the philosophers, mystics, jurists and every layer commanding any field. Imam Ali (a.s.) belongs to all; he commands all qualifications and perfections.

Some accomplishments of Imam Ali (a.s.) might have somewhat remained concealed. It is clear from his supplications. Kumayl invocation is a wonderful litany. Very marvelous! Some parts of the Kumayl invocation cannot proceed from ordinary man. O, my God, my Master and my Sustainer! Let us suppose I can endure Your chastisement; how can I stand separation from you. Who can make such entreat? Who has such love for God Whose hell one does not feat, while being afraid lest he would be deprived of His love when he goes to hell and degraded to lower stations separating him from God. Imam Ali (a.s.) laments of separation from His Majesty. This is the love that thaws in his heart. All actions emanating from him arise from this love for God. Value of actions lies in love and affection for God and in the annihilation and unity lingering in man, thus triggering the holy Prophet to make the following comment: “One stroke of Ali's sword in the battle of Khandaq (literally meaning moth) is superior to the prayer of men and jinn.” (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 39, p. 1- 2, h 1.) Let us suppose that somebody else had inflicted this stroke in defense of Islam, but was not arising from this love, while his stroke had contributed to progress of Islam, yet it would not be superior to prayer of the men and the jinn, because it had not emanated from love. Incentive for action is valuable in terms of its spirituality nor formal aspect. Striking with a sword is lowering one's hand with the sword and killing one disbeliever. This process is accomplished by many persons, but at times it brings no reward. It has no excellence. Sometimes, it has merit to reach the station to be called superior to prayer of men and jinn. This is because of that love and unity in one's heart. It is due to the fact that the hand is not his, the eye is not his but the hand of God and vision of Allah. We simply stutter and cannot perceive it. Obviously, we confirm it but we cannot perceive what the situation is.

Sahifeh, vol 19, Pages: 54-56