Prophets Are the Source of Perfection Existing in Mankind


This little perfection that exists in human beings is due to the Prophets' endeavors. Had the Prophets not come, all the people, with an exception of a few, would have been like beasts of jungle or even worse, fighting each other. Now too, you witness those close to the fortification of Faith, are remoter from the crimes. You can see in the courts and the magistracies that the Faithful ones and the Believers have no files as criminal record. All the cases belong to those who have no Faith. The murder cases or the theft or debauchery concern those who have no belief in Islam or even in God. A number of human beings are taught and trained, which has saved them from crimes. If this little amount of training had not been there, all the humans would have been Carters and Hilters. It is the teaching of the Prophets that saved them, particularly from bestiality and madness which man has for power and self-promotion. But the success they had desired and tried for is not attained. The Prophet was anxious and worried because he was inviting the people towards good and receiving no compliance. “So you are likely to destroy yourselves.” One of the agonies of the apostles was the same that their teachings did not fructify as was due. The Prophet wanted to make all the people like Imam Ali. But it could not happen. The Prophet hood of Muhammad's great yield is Imam Ali and the Imam of our Age that is Mahdi. This was a great success. God sent the Prophet to turn the human being into perfect conduct. But the Prophet wanted all to become such paragons. But a thorough success was not his lot. Islam is a collection of standards towards making man perfect. Qur'an is a book; but it has the mission of making man perfect. The Prophet took office of prophet hood till the last day of his life and endeavored to make man perfect. All the battles which have taken place in Islam were for this very purpose to bring the wild and uncivilized humans into the fortification of Islam that is Faith. There was no lust for power. So, we see in the conduct of the Prophet and all the Prophets and the men of piety and Imam Ali that they were not after power. If Imam Ali was not bound by duty or had he not been under the incumbency of the Mission resting upon his shoulders, he would not have accepted the caliphate. He was under an obligation to make man perfect. So this was a binding upon him from God. So he had to obey so as to do to the extent he can, to the measure possible to him. Regrettably, he could not make a man out of Muawiyah. Likewise, the Prophet could not make man out of Aboujahl and Aboulahab nor their likes. Similarly, Imam Ali could not make man out of those of Muawiyah category. Islam never pulled sword out for gaining power. The Islamic government is not like other governments. If any person pulls the sword out for attaining power, he is distanced from Islam. He has not gained access to Islam. He is a Muslim in name but he has no belief in Islam. The Prophets came to break down these powers, to crush the Satanic Powers. So, our Prophet too came to crush the powers. This is one of the jobs the Prophets had. Prophets had to carry man to the grades of perfection, which was his due. The work or the job is the means. The purpose is the absolute perfection. Prophets want all people to be like Imam Ali. But this has never happened. Prophets did not come for the sake of the world. World is the means to reach this means against perfection that is contrary to perfection. The battle of Imam Ali differs in nature with the battle of Muawiyah. The difference is in itself. Both pull their swords. One is the shadow of divine upon the earth and he pulls the sword. The other is the shadow of Satan and pulls the sword. As such by nature and in nature, these two are different with each other. One is after power and pelf while the other is after God. Whatever he performs is for the sake of God. Therefore, their doings, their performances differ from each other. Prophets also never took one single step for the sake of the world or money or power. He who does not conceive the Prophets may think that they were after the world or other materialistic benefits. World or the power or the materialistic benefits, all were meaningless for them.

Sahifeh, vol. 12, Page: 363-364
Speech, June 12, 1980