Troubles of Prophet and Imams in Establishing an Islamic Government


 It is impossible to discuss what little we have understood from the issues surrounding the mission of prophet and their various dimensions in such sessions. What is the essence of the prophetic mission? What is revelation? How is the quality of revelation sent down? These questions will remain a secret. What we can understand from this mission are the blessings emanating for this phenomenon. Unfortunately, due to all troubles, which the prophet faced, and the battles that raged on throughout his stay in Medina, he could neither introduce his ideal form of government, nor present the knowledge he wished to the humankind. Only Quran was presented. Obviously, it contains everything. However, due to the complications he could not implement his preaching nor could he establish the government of his liking. Even in Hejaz, he could not do it due to the oppositions raised. After him, the Commander of the Faithful suffered even more. We have to be sorry that the Commander of the Faithful was not allowed to establish his ideal government. He was embroiled in battles brought about by those who laid claim to Islam, opposed him in the name of Islam, crushed him in the name of Islam, and sapped his progress in the name of the holy Quran. If the trick employed by Muawiyeh and Amr-e-Aas and the sanctimonious people had not banned him from breaking the trick, the destiny of Islam was far different from what it is today. Perhaps the events befallen Imam Hassan and the tragic events afflicting Imam Hussein in Karbala would not have occurred. The blame lies at the door of those affecting piety in Nahravan, whom may God curse from beginning to the end. If in time of the prophet those afflictions had allowed him to establish the government he desired, these disasters would not have happened. But ill-wishers did not let it go the way desired by the holy prophet. A group rose in enmity in the name of Islam and a number of stupid persons surrounding him fastened the hands of the Commander of the Faithful in the name of the Quran. This is an eternal cause of sorrow for all Muslims. If from the outset what the prophet desired had been realized, and subsequently what the Commander of the Faithful desired had been realized these problems would not have come about. However, divine providence has so ordained. If we want to lament those calamities, we will lose touch with our own problems, which are similar to those in early days of Islam. Today, we are also embroiled in the same troubles. We are grappling with the same problems in a different context. The scope of the problems has widened because of the prevailing situation in the world. If that day the messenger( peace be upon him )and the Commander of the Faithful( peace be upon him )were afflicted and confined in a limited way- despite this their light has illuminated the world- in today's world Islam has been afflicted with more complicated troubles. They did not let an Islamic government to materialize under the guise of Islam. Today, we are also suffering similarly and in the name of Islam, the opponents want to withhold efforts to establish Islamic government. One group consists of the heedless and ignorant persons and the other comprises infamous and shameless scholars. The holy prophet has been quoted as saying that two groups broke my back: notorious scholars and ignorant persons pretending sanctity. I don't know from which group Islam has suffered more: the infamous scholar or the sanctimonious ignorants? At any rate, Islam has suffered from the two groups. This condition prevailed at that time and will persist to the end. Even in time of the Promised Savior, as put in some narrations, the Muslim scholars excommunicate him. This is the affliction prevailing in the world. From the ver beginning, Satan told God or, I should say, threatened God that he would not let this matter to find reality, and has been very successful. Today we should see what kind of problems beset us.


Sahifeh, vol. 18, Page: 337-338
Speech, April 29, 1984