Blessings of the Holy Messenger of Islam's Prophetic Mission


I do extend my felicitations to all the Muslims and downtrodden of the world on the occasion of this auspicious feast which must be said to be the greatest of Islamic feasts. The case of Bi`that is not an issue which we can talk about. As far as we know, with the Bi`that of the Noble Prophet a revolution occurred and some things came into being in this world which had been not existing earlier. The knowledge which through the blessing of the Noble Messenger's Bi`that was spread in the world, those who are aware what this knowledge is and to what extent we can comprehend it is, in my world, beyond the grasp and comprehension of mankind. It is a miracle beyond the grasp of mankind from a person who had been born in the age of ignorance, had grown up in that age and had been raised in an environment where such issues were totally raised. The environment there had no familiarity at all with the issues of the world and the issues on mysticism, philosophy and others. Prophet Muhammad had been there throughout his life; he made short trip for a short time; for a few days, and then returned. At that time, at the time of revelation, man can see that some matters had come forth which are beyond mankind. This is a miracle for the people of reason and knowledge and a sound proof for the Prophet hood of the Prophet; otherwise, he could not have done such a thing by himself. He was never educated; he did know how to write. The issue is a serious one, about which we cannot talk and it has neither been discovered; it is for himself and those who are close to him. There are social issues in Islam as you know well. There are such issues, and it is of the highest order that a single person, who has lived in such an environment or in any other environment for that matter, could achieve all such things in the world which correspond to the present and future level of knowledge. This is a miraculous affair; it cannot be other than a miracle.
We have to take benefit also from the issue of Bi`that and the blessings that have emanated from it, although that which the Prophet wanted has not been realized and now and after it will not be realized. What he wanted people to achieve was not realized neither during his own lifetime nor after that. Although some court-clerics quote me as saying that the Prophet was not able, and I should say, yes, he was not able! If he really succeeded, you court clerics would be non-existing. We all know that at the time of the Prophet the situation was such that the Prophet used to dissimulate concerning the laws that he wanted to say; he used to be cautious concerning the issues that he wanted to say; he was not able to discuss the things that he wanted to. He said everything; there was no shortcoming in conveying the message, but making the people understand and familiarizing the people with the affairs were issues which nobody could undertake. Thus, you can see that there was corruption at that time and there is corruption at the present and there will be in the future. Yes, at the time of Hadrat Sahib the government will be one. The power to govern justice, social justice will be spread in the entire world but the human beings will not be transformed into another form. The human beings are the same humans some of which are good while others are bad. However, those who are bad could no longer do mischief. In any case, the issue of Mi`that is not an issue that we can talk about.


Sahifeh, vol. 20, Page: 223-224
Speech, March 28, 1987