Birthday of Imam Hussein (a.s.); Guards Day

We wish we could be with you! We wish we were a soldier as well! We wish we could maintain the bloods, which were shed and the epics.
When it is decided that the followers of Imamate’s path and the pilgrims of sanctuary of sainthood would be taught the lesson of Holy war (Jihad), resistance and love, they would be encouraged by injecting the jewelry of humanity and eagerness and enthusiasm and passing the God’s path and the path of evolution and elevation and they would be motivated to start the task.
But how  must these believers of school of sainthood be taught about the lesson of passing the God’s path? How could the fire of eagerness and resistance and Jihad and seeking for martyrdom be waged in their bodies? Which way would be appropriate for keeping the torch of humanity and virtue to shine forever?
Isn’t it true that the school of sainthood is the crystallization of values, genuineness and purity? Isn’t it true that the life of Imam Hussein (a.s.) is the center, of epic, Jihad and resistance? Doesn’t the love Zam Zam, the purity of sincerity and greatness of devotion in Kawthar of light
and knowledge [Imam Hussein (a.s.)] shine?
Yes, this is Hussein (a.s.), the volcano of anger and thunder bolt of death on the head of Islam’s and humanity’s blood thirsty and arrogant enemies! This is Hussein (a.s.), the source of generosity, honor, the revolutionary pride and politic authority! This is Hussein (a.s.), the resource of all of goodness and the axis of humankind’s salvation. Surely, one must be bound to him in order to learn from him! And like the dried pipe on the invisible lips, which whispers the story of separation, one must cry for the time of reaching to him so eagerly: “ We wish we were with you!” We wish we could achieve the great salvation of the Jihad and martyrdom while guarding the religion, like you.”
And with this nice melody, one would motivate the sad and icy souls, make them so lively and warm and cause them to move, so that they rise as well just like Imam Hussein (a.s.) in order to keep and guard the religion. And like him sacrifice themselves.
They must be bound to those ideals and high aims of that honorable Imam to the extent that they would never be reluctant to give this holy link up. The one which has created a nice ascent for them. And in this way they would never enter the despised world.
Yes! One must learn the principles of guarding from Hussein (a.s.). One must link the guarding with Imam Hussein (a.s.)! And what an auspicious bound it is! The guards day is Imam Hussein’s (a.s.) day. The day on which one steps into Imam Hussein’s school of thought.
Isn’t it true that the school of sainthood, needs the followers who always go in the path of human’s evolution and they should have the eagerness and enthusiasm of the Jihad and fighting for the sake of Allah in their minds?
And in this way Imam Hussein (a.s.)’s birthday is guards day so that the watchmen of the religion for ever and as long as the history lives would rise to defend the religion like him and this boiling blood would flow in the history’s arteries for ever.
Knowing this fact and embodiment of it in human’s body will really place him among the followers of path of sainthood. Yes! One must whisper so continuously and eternally: “We wish we were with you too” “ We wish we were soldier as well!” “ We wish we would enjoy the salvation of martyrdom with you!”