Every day of ours in the war we have had a blessing from which we have benefited in all scenes. In the war, we have exported our revolution to the world; in the war, we have proved our being oppressed. We exposed the tyranny of the aggressors. In the war, we removed the curtain from the face of trickery of the world-devourers. We have recognized the friends and foes, we have arrived at the conclusion that we have to stand on our own feet and we undermined the pageantry of the two superpowers of the East and the West. We strengthened the roots of our fruitful revolution and gave expression to the sense of brotherhood and patriotism in each of our people. We showed to the people of the world, particularly the people of the region, that one can resist against all the powers and superpowers for many years. Our war led to the assistance of Afghanistan; our war will lead to the conquest of Palestine; our war made all rulers of the corrupt systems to fell humble before Islam; our war led to the awakening of Pakistan and India. It was only during the war that our military industry attained a growth. Most important of all, the perpetuity of the spirit of revolutionary Islam was realized in the war.
All of these were from the blessing of the pure blood of the beloved martyrs of the eight-year war. All of these stemmed from the effort of the dear mothers, fathers and people of Iran during the ten years of struggle against America, the West, Soviet Union and the East. Our war was the war between truth and falsehood and it continues; our war was the war between poverty and affluence; our war was the war between faith and meanness. This war exists from Adam till the end of life. How shortsighted are those, who imagine that, since we have not attained our ultimate aim in the warfront, all our martyrdom, valor, devotion, self-sacrifice and firmness are in vain! This is while the voice of Islamic inclination of Africa is from our eight-year war; the people's interest in the knowledge of Islam in American, Europe, Asia and Africa, that is, in the entire world, is from our eight-year war.
Sahifeh, vol.21, Page: 284-285
Message (Charter of the Clergy), February 22, 1989