Islamic Aspirations; the Goal of Iranian Armed Forces


The weapon is in the hands of our pasdars (IRGC soldiers) as well as our army, in the hands of the Saddamites, in the hands of Jordan and its government and in the hands of the US and the Soviet Union. All of them have weapons. We have weak arms, and they have powerful weapons. When these weapons are employed, these weapons by themselves are no problem, are nothing. The sword by itself is nothing.

The sword of the Commander of the Faithful and the sword of ibn Muljam were of one type. Perhaps the latter's sword was even sharper. However, the act will be judged based on who uses the sword. A single sword stroke of the former is equal or even more valuable than the worship of both worlds; and the latter kills a man whose single sword stoke is more valuable than all worships. He one who deals the blow is the criterion.

From the outset of this imposed war it has been quite clear where and for what purpose our armed forced have used the arms. And everyone knows for what purpose the US and its followers, that is Saddam, have used their weapons. When we notice, we see that their planes pounded Dezfoul, Abadan, Ahwaz and Andimeshk and the like, hitting the people and ruining the cities. Now they have caused the destruction of these cities. After they left, there remains nothing but destruction in our country. Our arms were employed for defending this weak nation, in the way ordered by God. Now, Iranian arms, except those weapons in the hands of the MKO, who use them for the destruction and overthrow of Islam, are being employed for the realization of Islamic and divine deals.


Sahifeh, vol 16, Page: 145
Speech, April 2, 1983