You people rose up and praise be to Allah, your uprising was in the name of God and for the sake of God. You all cried out and demanded that you wanted an Islamic Republic State. You rose for the establishment of the Islamic rules. You have obeyed the first instruction, in which God orders us to rise. What has been left out is the second, “Resist as you have been assigned along with those who came back to you.” (Quran,11: 112) which is to continue the struggle and safeguard your revolution. Fortunately, you people have gone through a spiritual change, which you must preserve forever. Therefore, you must keep up your struggle and protect this humane change, which is the loftiest of all other favorably considered attributes and any other outward change in a person. The change was so great in you that you selflessly gave your blood for its sake. The great spiritual change that has prepared you to give up your wealth, pour your own blood for your brothers, and allot them your time, can by no means be surpassed by any other humane attributes. This change was even greater than the struggle itself. It was a change from within and imbued with humanity. Make sure you never lose this blessing. Keep on moving straight and stand up to all conspiracies. If you should lose this great change in you, God forbid, the enemies may again become victorious. It was through this great change from within that the way was paved for your success.
I pray to the Almighty God that you should always be in the best of health and happiness. Resistance is the greatest blessing. Rising up for the sake of God and keeping it up, which you have managed to accomplish and thus, you have embraced the biggest success so far. If you continue your audacious resistance, your success shall be guaranteed. Through your resistance, you shall be able to eliminate some few who are conspiring. I pray that God would show you the way and help you to continue your struggle.
Sahifeh, vol.7, Page: 437-438
Speech, May 25, 1979