It would be of great benefit to them (enemies of Islam) if they tried to understand Islam; if they studied Islamic history and read about the events that occurred in the early periods of Islam. In one of the battles that took place, the unbelievers had taken position in their citadel. As at that time, the means (obviously) did not exist to go up and bomb them from above, and as the citadel had to be taken, one of the Muslim commanders proposed that he sit on a shield and the Muslims lift the shield high on their spears so that he could climb up the wall and, entering the fort, fight them inside it and then open the door from the inside. One man against a host that was in possession of the fort, did just such a thing. His men placed a shield on their spears, and their commander sitting on it, they lifted it up with their spears whereby he reached the top of the wall. Then he entered the citadel, fought his way to the gate and succeeded in opening it. It is Islam; it is faith that accomplished these things. These different perverted groups would do well to study a little about Islam. They ought to study a little of Islam's history and understand the meaning of Faith.
Sahifeh, vol.13, Page: 22
Speech, July 12, 1980