The fathers, mothers, spouses and relatives of our martyrs, prisoners of war, those missing in action, and disabled of the war should be aware that nothing has lost from what their children have attained. Your children are beside the Noble Prophet and the pure Imams. Victory and defeat make no difference for them. Today is the day for the guidance of the future generations. Fasten you seatbelt as nothing has changed. Today is a day, which God has willed to be so, and yesterday God had willed it as such, and tomorrow will be the victory day for the army of truth. But whatever is the will of God, we are ready to face it; and we obey the command of God. It is for this reason that we seek martyrdom. It is only for this reason that we do not submit to abjectness and servitude to anybody other than God. Of course, in performing the duty, we are all responsible to do in the best manner, precision and meticulousness all the works and matters related to ourselves.
Sahifeh, vol 21, Page: 84
Message, July 20, 1988