How can I bear the sight of our brothers, sisters and children losing their members and health for the cause of Islam? How can we endure watching this child standing here maimed in his early childhood? O, God! Punish those who have brought about these predicament for us. O, God! Punish these super powers who commit these crimes in the world to gain power for a few more years. Castigate them with your powerful hand. My brothers! My sisters! My dear children! I know you are in suffering. I also sympathize with you in your pain. I sympathize with your pain like a brother whose brother and sister is suffering and like a father whose children are in anguish. However, that which eases afflictions, that which alleviate pains and that which facilitates these agonies is that these sufferings were for the cause of God. You revolved for God and wounded for God and many of your brothers and sisters were killed for God. What you lost in the cause of God is not wasted and will be safe with God. The world is a means for other worlds. God will grant you stations that if others see would wish to be like you.
Sahifeh, vol.12, Page: 48
Speech, January 6, 1980