Imam Khomeini's heavenly departure


Imam Khomeini had informed all the things, intentions and purposes he wanted to present. He also put al his efforts and life in practice to achieve his goals. Now in the middle of Khordad 1368 (June 1989), he prepares himself to see one who he yielded to attract, his satisfaction in all his lifetime. He bowed nobody and cried for none except his beloved. All his mystical poems were an indication of separation from the loved and yielding to remove the thirst for uniting with the beloved. Now this was the glorious time for him and an intolerable time for his disciples. The time of separation from the material world was Saturday at 22:30 p.m. June 3rd 1989 (13th of Khordad 1368). Before his death time, he had revived million hearts to the spirituality. All the last days in hospital, the illness, the surgery, and the time of decease were recorded by a hidden camera installed in his room. After seeing Imam Khomeini's spiritual moods and peace on air, all people get sorrowful. People were permanently reciting God's name in their hearts. Imam Khomeini in the last day of his life, when he had tolerated some surgery operations in his 87 years of age, he never put aside reciting Quran and Nafele. In the last hours, he had a surprising peace and comfort and all the time made a confession of faith. In the time, he passed away. When it was spread on air that Imam Khomeini had died, all Iran began to cry. Nothing can describe what went on that day. On June 4th (15th of Khordad), people who came from different parts of Iran gathered in the great Mosalla  (prayer place) of Tehran to bid farewell with a pure man who had brought them back all the values and venerations in the era of tyranny. The mourning gathering was held very simple and warm. Imam Khomeini's pure body was over people's hands and shined like a piece of gem. Every body talked in his heart with Imam Khomeini and cried for his absence. The entire highway and all the routes lead to Mosalla (prayer place) were full of mournful people. All the walls of city were covered with the lamentation flags and from all the mosques, offices and organizations there came the sound of Quran. On the same night, people lighted candles in the memory of a candle, which Imam Khomeini lighted in Iran. The sorrowful people sit around the candles and passed the night near Imam Khomeini's pure soul. In the morning of June 5th (16th of Khordad), millions of people prayed for Imam Khomeini with the leadership of Ayatollah Golpaygani. It is worth mentioning that the glory of people's presence in January 1st, 1979 (12th of Bahman 1357) was again repeated with great intensity in the day of Imam Khomeini's death. The world official news agency estimated people in the year 1979 (1357) as 6 million and the mass in Imam Khomeini's funeral ceremony as 9 million people present. This was in a time when people tolerated the enmity of West and East with the Islamic revolution of Iran and the 8-year-imposed war and hundreds of other tricks during the eleven year of Imam Khomeini's ruling period. People had missed many of their beloved ones in these ways and were supposed to get naturally disappointed but this was never the right case. The trained generation in Imam Khomeini's divine schools believed Imam Khomeini's words that stated,"  in the world of being, the dimension of difficulties, sufferings and devotion tolerances is fitting for the greatness of the intentions".

The funeral ceremony did not continue because of the crowdedness. The radio announced repeated notices to inform people about the crowdedness and reported them to go back their homes, the ceremony would delay to another day and it would be stated in radio later. The officials knew that by time passing people who were not present in the funeral ceremony, would come from other cities. Therefore, the funeral ceremony was held in the evening of the same day and some parts of it were transmitted in the world. In this manner, Imam Khomeini's decease became the origin of the movements and the revival like his life. Imam Khomeini's memory and mode became eternal since he was the actual real and the reality is always immortal and alive.