Imam Khomeini highlighted need for unity among Muslims

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic would repeatedly call upon the people to be thankful to Allah for the blessing of unity

ID: 55107 | Date: 2018/08/17
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic called on all Muslims and followers of all divine religions to unite under the banner of monotheism in order to confront aggressive agenda of colonial and imperial powers.  

According to Imam Khomeini, unity (Wahdah) is a blessing for which we should be grateful. His Holiness would repeatedly call upon the people to be thankful to Allah for the blessing of unity through such statements:

“This very our sitting and talking together brotherly and with trust towards each other is a blessing (N’imah) given us by Allah and we should preserve this blessing.”  “Brothers (in-faith) should be united with good-will and brotherly feelings and thanks to Allah (here), they already are so. This is the greatest blessing and we should protect this blessing. As long as we protect and preserve this Divine blessing, we will be safe and guarded against all Satans.”

In fact, the expression ‘blessing’ (N’imah) applied to the subject of the unity of Muslims is a Qur'anic interpretation inferred by Imam Khomeini (ra) from verse 103  of chapter three of the Holy  Qur’an: “ Cling firmly together by means of God’s rope, and do not separate. Remember God's favour towards you when you were enemies; He united your hearts so you became brothers because of His favour. You were on the brink of a fiery pit, and He saved you from it! Thus God explains His signs to you, so that you may be guided.” Al-i ‘Imran, 103

Also, according to Imam Khomeini, a nation’s becoming united and achieving unity of word is an extraordinary phenomenon and His Holiness would regard the unity of the hearts of the people from all walks of life to be just a Divine miracle: “This unity of word has been the work of Allah. I believe it is not possible for any other than Allah to unite the hearts and words of a whole nation with a population of millions in such an astounding way - that we observe a very young child says what an old man says and men, women, young people, old people all express the same slogans and follow the same path. Nothing but Divine will, can be behind this unity and I became hopeful about the victory of this movement from the very beginning, because of sensing such a reality.”

Read more: 

Imam Khomeini was Pioneer of Unity