Memoirs by Imam Khomeini’s daughter in law becoming increasingly popular

A series of memories which have been penned and compiled by Dr. Fatima Tabatabai, the daughter in law of Imam Khomeini, are becoming increasingly popular.

ID: 57108 | Date: 2019/01/07
The memoirs are centers around great personalities who stood by Imam during thin and thick times and made history by contributing to the Islamic revolution.

The rare book also presents a detail personal, political and social life of Imam Khomeini who led the Islamic Revolution to victory at sensitive juncture of history in 1979.

The precious work also shows ups and downs of the Islamic Revolution over the past decades and appreciates efforts rendered by Imam’s revolutionary fellows and followers.

The book has been widely welcomed across Iran and published for several in recent months. It has also been translated into English and some other languages for devotees who have great devotion for Imam’s divine-oriented legacy.

It is worthy to mention that Dr. Fatima Tabatabai, the head of department of the Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research college, and head of Iran’s Scientific Association of Islamic Mysticism. She is also a researcher on the Islamic Mysticism and expert regarding the Imam’s works on spirituality.

Imam Khomeini frequently wrote historic advices to his son Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Ahmand Khomeini, Fatima Tabatabai and other members of his family which contain treasure of mysticism

Imam Khomeini has left several works in fields of philosophy, mysticism, Hadith, Quranic interpretation, jurisprudence and several other Islamic sciences and discipline of knowledge.

Imam’s books such as “an exposition on Forty Hadith”, “Hosts of intellect and ignorance” “discipline of prayers”, “secrets to prayers”, “an exposition on supplication of Dawn”, “Combat with the self”, “and Monotheism” have very enriched mystic points and discussions. 

Imam’s works also have deep divine and mystical and moral lessons which could open horizons towards devotees. The works are increasingly becoming popular as they contain precious moral and mystical points which are equally appealing to all followers of divine religions. 

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