Imam and revolution message must be communicated via convincing method

The acting head of the institute says all efforts should be undertaken to communicate the realities of the Islamic revolution and messages of Imam to the young generation.

ID: 72505 | Date: 2021/12/16
Addressing a recent ceremony at Hosseiniah Jamaran in Tehran, Dr. Ali Komsari said that we are facing a generation that will not accept anything until it is convinced. Therefore, we want to narrate the facts and realities related to the Imam and the revolution through methods which are appealing and convincing for the youth.

He made remarks during a ceremony which was held to hail director of a documentary which presents biography of beloved wife Imam Khomeini, Khadijah Thagafi known as holy lady of Iran.  

The scholar further said that resorting to a persuasive approach in the face of an audience has been of great importance and significance.  Prior to  a cultural, artistic and literary production, we must conduct research and media work about the nature and level of our audience. Otherwise it will not leave a deep impact and we wouldn't be able to persuade the youth to join us.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Komsari also stressed the need that cultural institutes should be paid more attention and more budget should be allocated to them.

Concerning the significance of the standing of international domain in international and transnational relations and the inclusive gamut of the lofty thoughts of Imam Khomeini, the International Affairs Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works in line with the goals and overall policies of the institute assumes the responsibility to disseminate and promulgate the values and aspirations of Imam Khomeini beyond the borders of the country and its international dimensions.

Along this line, since the establishment of the Institute up to the present, many titles from the literary works of and about the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been translated and published in more than 20 living languages of the world.

Imam's precious works have been translated in several languages over the past years and are widely welcomed by a variety of readers across the globe.

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Imam has left several works on jurisprudence, Hadith, Quranic interpretation, philosophy and mysticism. The great leader's genuine teachings and works would continue to guide the generations to come in the coming decades.

The institute for compilation and publications of Imam Khomeini's works played a vital role in promoting dynamic works, speeches and messages of the founder of the Islamic Republic over the past few years.

The institute started working to introduce Imam Khomeini's ideas since 1996, doing research about the different dimensions of Imam's life and notions inside and outside of the country and training the researchers on this field.

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Imam Khomeini's precious books and works remain guiding star