Iranian nation determined to achieve the sublime goals of Imam Khomeini

Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, changed equations of world

Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, changed equations of world

The Islamic Revolution under the wise leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini changed the political equations of the world. It also changed balance of power in the interest of the oppressed nations.

Sunday, January 28, 2018 05:51
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Iran made dramatic progress under Imam Khomeini`s leadership

Iran made dramatic progress under Imam Khomeini's leadership

The revolutionary movement of 1979 under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini in Iran emerged victorious when millions upon millions of people cried out their opposition to the dictatorial regime of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Iranian nation made drastic progress since the victory of Islamic Revolution.

Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:16
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Imam Khomeini revived cultural and moral values

Imam Khomeini revived cultural and moral values

The triumph of Islamic revolution at sensitive juncture of history been indebted to the Unprecedented leadership of Imam Khomeini,

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 02:27
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Meeting with Imam Khomeini at Alavi seminary

Saturday, February 04, 2023 03:03