IMAM KHOMEINI International Portal Special Issue No.20 | 15 April 2013 | Back to Site

Ideals and Objectives of Muslim World

In analyzing different issues of Islam world, the most important point in Imam Khomeini's religious thoughts is that in depicting the conditions of Islamic nations, their different problems and difficulties, and the plan of ideals and objectives of Islam world, Imam Khomeini had an effort to analyze and investigate two conditions;
1) the analysis and pathology of the present situation to distinguish it,
2) depiction of ideological atmosphere and the approaches toward its achievement in the framework of analyzing the desired condition.

Imam Khomeini utilized various approaches, including people awakening, multi-dimensional revolutions revealing the tricks of colonialism, gathering groups of people, utilizing religious sacred traditions, trust-ship to righteous government and renunciation to the tyrannical regimes, to reach the ideals of Islam world in different personal, national, governmental and universal levels.

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The Union of Islamic Countries

The Deterrent Elements and Approaches to Progress

Written by: Sayyidd Abbas Poor Hashemi

1- Unity might have intellectual, doctrinal, economical, political and even social birth place; it can also frame and optimize human communities or different people and in result, cut the way of approaching the objectives and intentions under the flag of one Union. The unions are always modeled in shadows of "common interests" which maybe cultural, doctrinal, political or economical. Today, the growing increase of man's needs has been really increased, the growing level of welfare under the shadow of modern technology and the existence of mutual and multi-dimensional dependencies. These mutual dependencies grounds create mechanisms or institutions which are responsible to man's needs.
2- Some believe that "Universalization" already necessitates "Regionalization" of the world. Therefore, the creation of great unions among the regional countries results from this same relation. With this perspective, Universalization does not mean to universalize all the regions with various features, but means to generalize the needs, wants and interests of countries that possess the same history. These commons make the way of reaching the" unity" more easier and merges different nations into one union to achieve their common ideals, interests and wants. ...


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Approaches to Islamic political unity in Imam Khomeini's perspective

Written by: Mohammad Akram Arefi

One of the old and basic intellectual engagements of Imam Khomeini was the though of "Islam world unity". Imam Khomeini did not ignore this plan during his political-social activities whether before the victory of Islamic Republic or after it. Imam Khomeini's honest faithfulness to "Unity" not only made him the most prominent revolutionary character of the world of Islam but also placed him in a high rank among the different Islamic sects.
In the design of "Unity" slogan, Imam Khomeini never was affected to generalizations and superficiality, but in an eminent and scholarly way, he presented different dimensions of unity in two theoretical and practical parts with detailed explanations.
The design of this article is organized in two general parts which indicate a special step of the unity project process; the first step, intellectual-cultural movement; the second step, the practical-political movement.
Each of these steps possesses several sub-categories which distinguishes the practical approaches of these steps. Hope to best present Imam Khomeini's considered approach through the investigation of these issues. ...


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Problems and difficulties of Islam in Imam Khomeini's perspective

Written by: Naser Mazaheri Tehrani

Today, the Islam world deals with various difficulties and vicissitudes in different political and economical aspects. These problems are often extended in the Islam world from the part of super-powers and colonial governments. They aim at preventing the influence and extension of Islam universally, and seizing Islamic nations' sources. Among the affected pains and problems to the world Muslim, consider the following lines: Muslims' great economical, political and material interdictions, the material violence and the Muslim's massacre, the seizure of underground and on-ground rich sources, cultural attack and seduction of the young. Without a doubt, the Islamic countries release from this condition requires a careful investigation around the present problems and finding a solution to remove them all. Regarding the reviving opinions of pure Islamic thoughts, the investigation and the analysis of these problems can be presented from different aspects and dimensions. This important issue is under discussion and mainly focuses on the internal and external elements and problems, different cultural and political field. ...

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The Cultural Influences of Islamic Revolution in Different Regional Levels

Written by: Mohammad Salar

The Islamic revolution of Iran caused a great evolution in Iran's political, cultural, social and economical fields and universally had a great impact. Although many revolutions had been happened in the world, Iran's Islamic revolution was a unique one among them due to its religious spirits, defending the oppressed and especially combating with satanic forces.
In this article, we attempted to investigate the deep cultural influences of Islamic revolution in different regional levels through five aspects: 1) reviving the religious essence, 2) the thought plan of Islamic government, 3) defending the holy ideals of Palestine, 4) establishing Islamic unity and harmony, 5) the universal discourse plan.
Under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and as a great phenomenon in the second half of the 20th century, the Islamic revolution of Iran reached the victory in the regional and international scene at the 22nd of Bahman, 1357. Not only this revolution changed Iran's political, economical, social and cultural affairs, but also caused a magnificent change in the world. ...

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