Many happy memories of the Imam on Nowruz are told by his friends and family. During these celebratory days the Imam always welcomed guests and gave presents to everyone. The Imam was known for giving presents throughout the year and so Nowruz was just another excuse to gifts. Presents given during Nowruz are called Eidi. The memories below have been provided to us by the Imam’s family members, we invite you to read them.

Morteza Ashraqi (Imam’s grandson): “On Nowruz 1990 the Imam’s house was very crowded. Me, Yasir and Muhammad Taqi were playing at our uncle’s house and were waiting for the Imam to come out. All of a sudden Hassan Agha came in and said, ‘Did you get your Eidi?’ We replied: “No.” He said: ‘Quickly go in because Agha (the Imam) has asked for you three.’ We went there (Imam’s house) as fast as we could. In 1987 and 1988 our Eidi was 300 Tomans, but in 1990 the Imam gave as 1000 Tomans. Whenever he wanted to give us our Eidi, he never said ‘Take it’, but said ‘Come forward’. He used to sit us one by one in his lap, give us our Eidi and then pat us on the head and we would go.”

Zahra Ishraqi (Imam’s granddaughter): “The Imam always gave Eidi and the 100 or 200 Tomans he gave made us happy. He also decided to give us pocket money at the beginning of every month. He would joke and say that ‘This lot only shows up at the beginning of the month’. He also gave presents for engagement ceremonies. He gave an A’qiq ring to Reza, who still wears it today, and always told his son-in-laws to wear A’qiq rings.”
As you can see from the above memories the Imam celebrated this joyous occasion and liked to spread joy to anyone he met. His grandchildren speak fondly of their memories of Nowruz with their loving grandfather.