Special Issue No.03 | March 20 , 2012 | BackTo Site

Congratulations for the Start of the New Iranian Year! 1391

Nowruz during the Islamic era

Nowruz during the Islamic era

After the Advent of Islam this day was also celebrated by Muslims. The following narration by Imam Sadiq (as), which has been transmitted by Ma’la bin Khani̅s and is accepted by Allama Majlisi as a strong narration, talks of the events that took place on the day of Nowruz:
“Nowruz is the day when:
1. Gabriel came down to the Prophet (Saw).
2. The Prophet (saw) carried Ameer al-Mo’mineen Ali (as) on his shoulders and broke the idols inside the Ka’ba, and Prophet Abraham (as) broke the idols on this day.
3. The Prophet (saw) ordered his companions to swear allegiance to Ameer al-Mo’mineen Ali (as) as his successor.
4. The Prophet (saw) sent Imam Ali (as) to the valley of Janyaan, to invite the people of that region to accept Islam and swear allegiance to the Prophet (saw).
5. After the death of Uthman, the Muslims came to swear their allegiance to Imam Ali (as) once more.
6. During his caliphate Imam Ali (as) defeated the Khwarij at the battle of Nahrawan, and killed their leader Makhdaj dhu al-Thadiyya.
7. The twelfth Imam (as) will come out of his occultation.
8. Our Qa̅’im (Twelfth Imam) (as) will defeat Dajjal (Anti-Christ) and hang him in the Kanasa Square in Kufa.
9. No Nowruz passes without us praying for the reappearance of the Qa̅’im (as), because this day is one of our days and our followers’ days. The Iranians have guarded it, but you (Arabs) have ruined it.
Due to the important events that took place on Nowruz and the one’s that will take place in the future this day was treated with significance amongst Muslims.
There is also another narration form Imam al-Sadiq (as) where he tells his followers to do Ghosl (abulution) on Nowruz, to wear good clothes and perfume and to pray two two ruka’as of prayer after the afternoon prayers.