justice helps man in his development towards perfection, Imam Khomeini stressed

In Imam Khomeini's philosophical-mystical perspective, man has characteristics that other beings do not. Therefore, man is the subject of 'idalah (justice) and 'idalah helps man in his movement and development towards perfection.

ID: 52061 | Date: 2018/02/09

According to Imam Khomeini, man enjoys a nature consisting of an inner dimension and intellect. Within him, different faculties and, occasionally, apparently conflicting ones have been ingrained, making him a multi-dimensional being.

On this basis, he can plunge into an abyss of evil and vice and be degraded lower than any animal, the lowest degree conceivable."...They are like cattle, - nay more misguided: for they are heedless."

 He can also soar to perfection and happiness so high that "this man can be elevated to the stages of the supernatural and actualizes whatever he is capable of."

Therefore, based on this perspective, man is on the path one side of which leads to annihilation and corruption and the other to happiness and genuine prosperity of man.

 For man to move on the road - towards the positive side - he needs 'idalah as the way and method. And as pointed out earlier, one of the concepts of 'idalah, from the view of Imam Khomeini, is its path in the sense that 'idalah is the straight path and line treading by which man can reach happiness. 

Therefore, man is the subject of 'idalah and 'idalah helps man in his movement and development towards perfection so that 'idalah actualizes in him as a firm habit and lasting attribute, transforming him into a moderate and upright being.

In this outlook, 'idalah causes that no concealment exists between him and the truth and that one witnesses God without any veil and openly, manifesting His attributes in him. "The absence of concealment of truth from people and of people from the truth, and in other words, observation of unity in multiplicity and multiplicity in unity."

Therefore, treading the path and the spiritual journey of the perfect man and men of God is the subject of 'idalah - a journey that leads to the manifestation of the truth of Divine names and attributes in the soul and heart and existence of man, elevating him to a higher spit aural state.