The training and the morals character sketch of Imam Khomeini

The writer in that direction has examined Imam's scientific and the training dimensions in the first chapter and they are as follows: Imam Khomeini with respect to the realm of the purification of the self: In that realm first, the writer has talked about the necessity of the purifying of the self and then he has examined the features of the purification of the self in Imam's life.

ID: 66784 | Date: 2020/11/15

 Author:  Neek Fardeen Hashemee

The year: 1374 AHS

Submitted to: the political department of the martyr Mahalatee and the Islamic revolution's guard's corps study center


The writer in that direction has examined Imam's scientific and the training dimensions in the first chapter and they are as follows: Imam Khomeini with respect to the realm of the purification of the self: In that realm first, the writer has talked about the necessity of the purifying of the self and then he has examined the features of the purification of the self in Imam's life.

 In the second chapter I have paid attention to the Imam's practical character sketch and that concerns the worshiping and the morality subjects and I have also examined the place and the features of the praying as far as Imam was concerned and the paying attention to the honourable witnessing pilgrimage.

 In the 3rd chapter I have examined the Imam's place as a pioneer of the Islamic teaching and getting taught and I have also examined the Imam's scientific place and him training his students and his personality and his behavior and also the mandatory and the different things such as the Islamic mysticism.