Imam regularly kept reciting Ziarat-e- Ashura even during exile in Nofel Loshato

A memoir by late Hojjat al-Ismail Ferdousipour

ID: 74671 | Date: 2023/08/16
It has been reported through a series of memoirs that Imam Khomeini, who had very busy life during last months of exile in the French city had never given up carrying out his religiousduties and the practice of reciting supplications regularly.

Imam had very tight schedule in Nofel Loshato as he was conducting interviews with international media and at the same time monitoring and guiding the each event of ongoing struggle against the Shah regime inside Iran.

People within close circle of Imam says that it was the first day of the mourning month of Muharram and they wanted Imam to listen live on telephone the anti-Shah and pro-revolution slogans being chanted from rooftops by public from across various Iranian cities.

 When they came into Imam’s room, they found him reciting Ziarat Ashura. They were all surprise that Imam would never give up his devotion supplications in all thick or thin times.

(A memoir by late Hojjat al-Ismail Ferdousipour)