Significance of holding mourning ceremonies in Muharram from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint

Significance of holding mourning ceremonies in Muharram from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic time and again maintained that the Islamic revolution had been inspirited by the message of Ashura.

 The precious book titled “''Ashura uprising'' in the words and sayings of Imam Khomeiniconsists a series of lectures, speeches and statements delivered by the late founder of the Islamic Republic.

The first sparks of Islamic Revolution were essentially lit in Muharram and inspired by teachings of Ashura movement. The uprising of 5 June 1963, a milestone in the history of Islamic Revolution, was occurred subsequent to Imam Khomeini’s speech on the afternoon of Ashura (June 3).

The Message of Muharram is portrayed in the following selection of texts selected from Imam Khomeini’s statements regarding the importance of the ceremonies held mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (‘a). 

With the appearance of the new moon, Muharram, the month of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice has commenced. It is a month wherein the blood conquered the sword; it is a month in which the power of truth rescinded the wrong forever and stamped the forehead of tyrants and the satanic governments with its stigma.

 It is a month which has taught the generations throughout history the path of victory over the lances; a month that witnessed the downfall of big powers against the word of truth.

Indeed, it is a month in which the Imam of the Muslims has taught us the way of campaigning against the oppressed in history- a way wherein the closed fists of freedom-wishers, independence-seekers, and the truth-tellers should overcome the tanks, machine-guns, and the array of Iblis] Satan [. Falsehood should vanish before the word of truth.

 The Imam of the Muslims has taught us to rise against a tyrant, in any age, who rules ruthlessly over Muslims- even though your strength happened to be inconsistent, you should display your disdain and denial. If you see the prestige of Islam in peril, do make sacrifices and ever forges your blood.

Now that it is the month of Muharram, the month which is like a divine sword in the hands of the Muslim soldiers, esteemed clergy, respected orators and dignified Shi`ah of the Doyen of the Martyrs) `a (, it must be made full use of; and by depending on divine power, they must sever the remaining roots of this oppressive and treacherous tree, because the month of Muharram is the month of destruction of Yazidi forces and satanic deceit.

Meetings in commemoration of the Master of the Oppressed and header of the tree are meetings commemorating the victory of knowledge over ignorance, justice over oppression, honesty over treason and Islamic government over a satanic regime and should be undertaken in a more compact fashion and with great splendor. The bloody flag of `Ashoura' should be flown high as a sign of the coming of a day of revenge for the oppressed over the oppressors.

Sahife vol.5, page. 73-74


Imam Khomeini’s objectives were divine, inspired by Ashura

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