Huge sea of mourners descended in central Tehran to pay homage to Gen. Soleimani

Huge sea of mourners descended in central Tehran to pay homage to Gen. Soleimani

Millions of Iranians have packed the streets of Tehran to pay homage to the Middle East's most prominent anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated on US President Donald Trump's order Friday.

Monday, January 06, 2020 01:14

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Seyyed Hassan Khomeini visits family of assassinated General Soleimani

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini visits family of assassinated General Soleimani

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini has visited the family of General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated by the US in Iraq.

Sunday, January 05, 2020 12:23

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Remains of Gen. Soleimani arrive in Iran for cross-country funeral

Remains of Gen. Soleimani arrive in Iran for cross-country funeral

The remains of anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani and his companions have arrived in the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz from Iraq where they were assassinated by the US early Friday.

Saturday, January 04, 2020 09:40

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 Millions commemorate Arba`een in Karbala

Millions commemorate Arba'een in Karbala

Religious processions and symbolic marches were also held across different cities in Iran marking Arba’een on Saturday.

Saturday, October 19, 2019 02:46

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Massive processions underway in Karbala as millions mark Arba’een

Massive processions underway in Karbala as millions mark Arba’een

Huge processions are underway in the Iraqi holy city of Karbala as millions of mourners commemorate Arba’een, the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia Imam.

Saturday, October 19, 2019 10:04

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Resolution 598 revealed real face of US-led imperial powers

Resolution 598 revealed real face of US-led imperial powers

After the acceptance of the resolution 598 by Iran, the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam and his US-led Western and regional backers didn't have any explanation and reason for their people concerning the imposition of the eight year-old war on Iran.

Saturday, September 28, 2019 05:16

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   Imam Khomeini confronted aggression, defended nation’s dignity

Imam Khomeini confronted aggression, defended nation’s dignity

Imam Khomeini’s unique leadership inspired Iranians to stand against aggression and war launched by the then Iraqi dictator Saddam and his US-led backers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 08:18

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   Imam Khomeini mobilized nation to confront imposed war

Imam Khomeini mobilized nation to confront imposed war

Iran under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini mobilized the nation to defend the revolution against Western-backed Saddam’s aggression.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 09:32

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